

Postby jds » Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:32 pm

I am a non professional user (retired) of fivewin and make only programs for our local food bank
I am still programming like I did it in the nineties
How can I, in the example of a part of a procedure, after the 'say' and 'get' commands become the real record names?

select products
set filter to products->niet=" "
goto top
do while .NOT. eof()
@ a,5 say cnaam OF oDlg FONT oFont
@ b,12 get nalias OF oDlg SIZE 20,11 picture "999" FONT oFont
skip 1
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Re: ampersand

Postby Marc Venken » Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:33 pm

Hallo Jose,

Can you tell us a bit more what you are trying to do ? There are many samples out here and so we can point you to one of them in order to have a starting point.

One of the most complete and usable samples is Yunus.

Btw : Where in Belgium are you from ? I'm from Limburg.
Marc Venken
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Re: ampersand

Postby jds » Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:01 pm

Dag Marc,
Ik woon in Harelbeke WVL en beheer de werking van de lokale voedselbank.
De bedoeling is een manier te vinden om de beschikbare voedingproducten opgeslagen in een bestand products.dbf op te nemen in het verkoop.dbf bestand dat de gratis afgeleverde producten per klant registreert. Voor het ogenblik heb ik een werkende procedure voor de verkoopprocedure die ik evenwel in de broncode telkens moet aanpassen als er producten bijkomen. Eenvoudiger zou zijn die te kunnen inbrengen in de verkoop procedure door verwijzing naar het producten bestand products.dbf.
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Re: ampersand

Postby Marc Venken » Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:43 pm


The sample Yunus.prg in the sample dir can give you a working point. There is a Client, Item and invoice database. See the Client and use the products to add to the invoice. I think that it is almost the same idea.

Mocht Yunus niet duidelijk zijn (of beschikbaar), geef dan even een seintje...
Marc Venken
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Re: ampersand

Postby jds » Tue Mar 21, 2023 10:26 pm

Hey Marc
I compiled the yunus.prg and of course it is a beautiful modern version of my nineties way of programming. I remember me that it was possible in the post Clipper era to transform a variable into his real record name by adding somewhere the ampersand (&) sign?
Don't you have somewhere an example of that old fashion way of programming?
José Deschutter (jds)
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Re: ampersand

Postby Jimmy » Wed Mar 22, 2023 6:37 am

jds wrote:I remember me that it was possible in the post Clipper era to transform a variable into his real record name by adding somewhere the ampersand (&) sign?

what you mean is a "Macro" where you use "&" (Ampersand)
Code: Select all  Expand view
  // variable
   // use Macro
   USE &cDBF
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Re: ampersand

Postby jds » Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:41 am

Hi Jimmy
How can I apply this way of program on my example (part of procedure) in top of my early post
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Re: ampersand

Postby Marc Venken » Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:54 am

Some Code snippets from early FW ... Maybe some items that are usefull

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function makevar(cDbf)
   for i = 1 to &cDbf->(fcount())
      mveld = &cDbf->(fieldname(i))
      mtemp = "M_"+&cDbf->(fieldname(i))
       &mtemp = mveld

function Stockchange(cVeld,cCode,cActie,nStockaantal)
   cCode = alltrim(cCode)
   If artplus->(dbseek(cCode))
      cStockAlias = "artplus"
   elseif artikel->(dbseek(cCode))
      cStockAlias = "artikel"
      Info("Bij artikel "+cCode+" kan de stock van "+cActie+" "+str(nStockaantal)+" niet worden weggeschreven")
   DO case
      CASE cVeld = "MAG"
         If cActie = "RESET"
            &cStockalias->stockmag = &cStockalias->stockmag + nStockaantal
            &cStockalias->stockmag = &cStockalias->stockmag + if(cActie = "PLUS",nStockaantal,-nStockaantal)
      CASE cVeld = "KLA"
         &cStockalias->stockkla = &cStockalias->stockkla + if(cActie = "PLUS",nStockaantal,-nStockaantal)
      CASE cVeld = "LEV"
         &cStockalias->stocklev = &cStockalias->stocklev + if(cActie = "PLUS",nStockaantal,-nStockaantal)
      CASE cVeld = "RES"
         &cStockalias->stockres = &cStockalias->stockres + if(cActie = "PLUS",nStockaantal,-nStockaantal)

function showReservatie(cDoc)
   select factart
   set index to factart
   if dbseek(cDoc)
   //index on factart->magazijn to c:\marc\tempres while factart->levbon = cDoc
   index on factart->(recno()) to c:\marc\tempres while factart->levbon = cDoc
   set index to c:\marc\tempres
   If factart->(flock())
      DO while !factart->(eof())
         If len(alltrim(factart->refnummer)) > 9
            cAlias = "ARTPLUS"
            cAlias = "ARTIKEL"
         factart->stockmag = &cAlias->stockmag
         factart->stocklev = &cAlias->stocklev
      msginfo("Geen Flock op het bestand : Factart")

     msginfo("Document niet gevonden")

   for i = 1 to nElement

     //cMaat&cI = space(4)
     cMaat&cI = stzero(aMag[i],4,0)
     REDEFINE say oBtnKnop&cI prompt aMaten[i] ID 34+(2*I) OF oDlgstock
     REDEFINE say oBtnMag&cI prompt stzero(aMag[i],3,0) ID 134+(2*I) OF oDlgstock
     REDEFINE say oBtnKla&cI prompt stzero(aKla[i],3,0) ID 234+(2*I) OF oDlgstock
     REDEFINE say oBtnRes&cI prompt stzero(aRes[i],3,0) ID 334+(2*I) OF oDlgstock
     REDEFINE say oBtnLev&cI prompt stzero(aLev[i],3,0) ID 434+(2*I) OF oDlgstock
     REDEFINE GET omaat&ci VAR cmaat&ci picture '999999' ID 1999+i OF oDlgstock font oFont1


function Pullout(cDbf,cIndex,cZoek,cVeld)
   local cReturn:="Geen Data"

   use &cDbf index &cIndex shared New
   if &cDbf->(dbseek(cZoek))
      if cDbf = "HISTORIEK"
         cReturn = dtoc(historiek->datum)+" -> "+alltrim(cValtoChar(historiek->eenh_prijs))+" Code -> ( "+historiek->prijscode+" )"
         cReturn = alltrim(cValtoChar(&cDbf->&cVeld))

return (cReturn)

   for i = nElement+1 to 16  // clear the rest out
      REDEFINE say oBtnMag&cI prompt "" ID 134+(2*I) OF oDlgstock
      REDEFINE say oBtnKla&cI prompt "" ID 234+(2*I) OF oDlgstock
      REDEFINE say oBtnRes&cI prompt "" ID 334+(2*I) OF oDlgstock
      REDEFINE say oBtnLev&cI prompt "" ID 434+(2*I) OF oDlgstock
      REDEFINE say oBtnMin&cI prompt "" ID 534+(2*I) OF oDlgstock update

Marc Venken
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Re: ampersand

Postby jds » Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:41 am

Thank you Marc, I try to do it that what.
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Re: ampersand

Postby jds » Mon Mar 27, 2023 3:02 pm

Hi Marc,
Better explained:
How to transform within a do while procedure (file A) each appealed field into his real fieldname so that I can use this fieldname into an other file B.
kind regards
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Re: ampersand

Postby jds » Mon Mar 27, 2023 3:08 pm

select products
goto top
do while .NOT. eof()
cnaam=TRIM(products->naam) to transform in his real fieldname

select sales
append blank
replace sales->fieldname with ....

select products
skip 1

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Re: ampersand

Postby Marc Venken » Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:18 pm


I'm still not sure what you try to do
If you use aliases, maybe it is better ? I don't think that you wanne go into database object. Here a code that look like yours.

Please feel free to post if I understood you wrong.

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          // ....
          if webtemp->(flock())
            do while !webtemp->(eof())
              lArtFound = .f.
              cData = upper(webtemp->brandid)
              if nofototemp->(dbseek(cData))
                replace webtemp->new_bruto with nofototemp->new_bruto
                replace webtemp->new_bruto with nofototemp->bruto
                replace webtemp->new_date with nofototemp->new_date
                replace nofototemp->new_bruto with 1
                /// ...
          msginfo("Update van brandid gegevens : "+str(nTel1)+CRLF+"Update van Server brandid gegevens : "+str(nTelServer))
          // .....
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Re: ampersand

Postby jds » Wed Mar 29, 2023 12:38 pm

Hi Marc,
It is possible that I want to obtain the impossible.
I want to use the existing name of some records in one file (by doing a do while procedure) to use/call them as existing fieldname in an other file....
Kind regards
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Re: ampersand

Postby leandro » Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:49 pm

An idea
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cThefuncion := "strinFunc()"
cVar := "{|| "+cThefuncion+" }"
EVAL( &cVar )

I hope it helps you
Bogotá (Colombia)

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