Busco un hueco.
leandro wrote:
Amigo y piensas compartir el código?
LockWindowUpdate( oWnd:hWnd )
// here your resize
oBar:bLClicked := { | nRow, nCol | If( nRow < 25, ( CursorDrag(), oVentana:Capture(), nRowPos := nRow, nColPos := nCol, lDrag := .T. ),) }
oVentana:bLClicked = { | nRow, nCol | If( nRow > 25 .and. nRow < oVentana:nHeight-50 .and. nCol > oVentana:nWidth - 50, ( CursorWE(), LockWindowUpdate( oVentanaPrincipal:hWnd ), oVentana:Capture(), nRowPos := nRow, nColPos := nCol, lRResize := .T. ),) ,;
If( nRow > 25 .and. nRow < oVentana:nHeight .and. nRow > oVentana:nHeight- 80, ( CursorNS(), LockWindowUpdate( oVentanaPrincipal:hWnd ), oVentana:Capture(), nRowPos := nRow, nColPos := nCol, lBResize := .t. ),) }
oVentana:bMMoved = { | nRow, nCol | TrackMouseEvent( oVentana:hWnd, TME_LEAVE ),;
If( lDrag .and. IsOverWnd( oVentanaPrincipal:hWnd, nRow, nCol ) ,;
oVentanaPrincipal:Move( oVentanaPrincipal:nTop + nRow - nRowPos, oVentanaPrincipal:nLeft + nCol - nColPos,,, .T. ), ),;
If( lRResize .and. IsOverWnd( oVentanaPrincipal:hWnd, nRow, nCol ) ,;
( CursorWE(),;
oVentanaPrincipal:SetSize( oVentanaPrincipal:nWidth + nCol - nColPos, oVentanaPrincipal:nHeight, .t. ),;
nColPos := nCol, nRowPos := nRow ), ) ,;
If( lBResize .and. IsOverWnd( oVentanaPrincipal:hWnd, nRow, nCol ) ,;
( CursorNS(),;
oVentanaPrincipal:SetSize( oVentanaPrincipal:nWidth, oVentanaPrincipal:nHeight + nRow - nRowPos, .t. ),;
nColPos := nCol, nRowPos := nRow ), ) }
oVentana:bLButtonUp = { | nRow, nCol | CursorArrow(),;
oVentanaPrincipal:SetSize( oVentanaPrincipal:nWidth, oVentanaPrincipal:nHeight, .t. ),;
ReleaseCapture(), lDrag := .F., lRResize := .F., lBResize := .F.,;
LockWindowUpdate(), oVentana:Refresh() }
leandro wrote:
Amigo y piensas compartir el código?
leandro wrote:Amigo una pregunta?
Que controles son estos?
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