Fivewin and ADO

Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby Jimmy » Fri Jun 09, 2023 4:04 am


ah, ok understand

is there a Way to find out what ADO Component are installed :?:
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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Jun 09, 2023 4:26 am

now i want to "FASTEDIT" Sheet but how to configure XBROWSE and/or "ADODB.Recordset" :?:

This is easier with Excel Range.
Let us first try with Excel Range.

Test program:
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function EditExcelRange()

   local oRange   := GetExcelRange( TrueName( "test3.xlsx" ) )

   BrowseIt( oRange )

return nil

static function BrowseIt( u )

   local oWnd, oBrw

      :nEditTypes := { 1,1,1 }
   oWnd:oClient   := oBrw

return nil


When we edit and change the values in XBrowse, the corresponding values in the Excel sheet are also immediately changed automatically.

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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby Jimmy » Fri Jun 09, 2023 4:37 pm


thx for Sample

but it does not work for me with "big" *.XLSx ... (work only with small Sample)

when open a *.XLSx it does appear "ok" in upper left but when CENTER all is EMPTY :shock:
it also seems not to "close" Connection so i can´t call EXCEL "direct" to open "same" *.XLSx

i was not able to change a CELL in *.XLSx even when "display" in XBROWSE


i wonder "how" GetExcelRange() will work as it "only" Return oRange, not Recorsd-Set :?:

what is
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  :nEditTypes := { 1,1,1 }

i "normal" knew
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  :nEditTypes := EDIT_GET

so what is Array mean :?:

btw. we NEED a Description of XBROWSE and those DATA in HELP File


what i´m doing now

1.) Connection -> FW_OpenADOExcelBook() -> return oCn
2.) Record-Set -> FW_OpenADOExcelSheet() -> return oRs

3.) XBROWSE oRs -> :nEditTypes := ??? -> "write" to *.XLSx

but i fail in Step 3 to "write back" ..

i have try :nEditTypes := { 1,1,1 } but it make no Difference in my Sample :(

can somebody help me how to configure XBROWSE when using "ADODB.Connection" and "ADODB.Recordset" to "write back" :?:
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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Jun 09, 2023 8:07 pm

what is
:nEditTypes := { 1,1,1 }

i "normal" knew
:nEditTypes := EDIT_GET

so what is Array mean :?:

oBrw:anydatas := uVal is a a short cut for
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AEval( oBrw:aCols, { |o| o:anydata := uVal } )

Note: anydatas = 'anydata' + 's' is plural of 'anydata'

oBrw:anydatas := aValues is short cut for
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for n := 1 to Len( aValues )
   oBrw:oCol( n ):anydata := aValues[ n ]

oBrw:oCol( n ) --> Column Object whose nCreationOrder is n.
More about oBrw:oCol
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oBrw:oCol( c ) // --> oCol whose header is "c"
oBrw:oCol( "anydata", uVal ) --> oCol where oCol:anydata is uVal
oBrw:oCol( {|o|cond} ) --> oCol which satisfies the condition in the codeblock

All the above are provided as short cuts to save program code and programmers' time.

We can also query the values of any data of all columns
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aSortOrders := oBrw:cSortOrders
? aSortOrders

what is the difference between
oBrw:aCols[ n ] and oBrw:oCol( n ) ?

At the time of creation, both return the same column object.
But at runtime, user can shuffle the columns as he likes by hiding some columns, moving / swapping some columns.
So, when we need to refer to the 'n'th column as at the time of creation, oBrw:aCols[ n ] may point to a different column. oBrw:oCol( n ) refers to the nth column at the time of creation.
When we define some actions at runtime we should not use oBrw:aCols[ n ] but use oBrw:oCol( n ) or oBrw:oCol( cHeader )

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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Jun 09, 2023 8:24 pm

but it does not work for me with "big" *.XLSx ... (work only with small Sample)

What 'big' size are you referring to? (rows,cols)?

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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Jun 09, 2023 8:49 pm

i wonder "how" GetExcelRange() will work as it "only" Return oRange, not Recorsd-Set :?:

GetExcelRange() returns oRange object of oExcel
This does not use ADO, but uses Excel OLE.
Similar to Word OLE and PowerPoint OLE.
Please study the subject of Microsoft Office OLE for better clarity.

GetExcelRange() function simplifies the programmers work by including long code of
1. Open Excel OLE object
2. oExcel:WorkBooks:Add( cBook ), if the cBook is not already open on the computer or if already used, uses the workbook object that is already open.
3. Obtains the specified sheet object. Defaults to the ActiveSheet
4. Obtains the range object. Defaults to the UsedRange.
All this work requires long lines of program code and this function simplifies the entire work.

If the user has already any Excel file open on the desktop, calling GetExcelRange() without any parameters, returns the used range of the active sheet of the book already open on the computer.

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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Jun 09, 2023 8:52 pm

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what i´m doing now

1.) Connection -> FW_OpenADOExcelBook() -> return oCn
2.) Record-Set -> FW_OpenADOExcelSheet() -> return oRs

Step (1) is not necessary because Step(2) automatically opens the ADO connection.

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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Jun 09, 2023 9:33 pm

ExcelRange Vs ADO

Use ExceRange for reasonable sized ranges. The data need not be organized like a table, can contain formulas and can be or ragged size.
Planned improvements in future: Will soon provide editing excel formulas in xbrowse itself.

Use ADO for organized larger tables. We can use for "Named" tables also if the Excel File has named tables.
In other cases, the data in the table should be organized like a table. Same number of columns in all rows and continuous rows, with same data types.

In both cases, modifications made in the XBrowse are properly written to the underlying Excel File.

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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby Jimmy » Sat Jun 10, 2023 12:36 am


thx for all those Information

the *.XLSx was about 17000 x 11

if GetExcelRange() is based on EXCEL than i can´t use it
i want to build a Tool which can "read/write" *.XLSx without EXCEL

but i must install ADO "Pack" ( Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 ) else FW_OpenADOExcelSheet() will fail
so here my Version to "read/write" *.XLSx using FiveWin XBROWSE

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FUNCTION ADOsheet( cFile )
LOCAL cTitle := cFile
LOCAL objRS, oBrw, jj, aEdit := {}
LOCAL cSheet, cRange, lHeaders := .T.
LOCAL oFont, oDlg

   objRS := FW_OpenADOExcelSheet( cFile, cSheet, cRange, lHeaders )

   FOR jj := 0 TO objRS:Fields:Count - 1  // FIELDs are zero-based
      AADD(aEdit, EDIT_GET)


   DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Segoe UI" SIZE 0, - 18

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 1280, 1024 PIXEL FONT oFont TITLE cTitle COLOR BFcolor, BGcolor ;

      @  1,  1 XBROWSE oBrw SIZE - 1, - 1 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
              RECORDSET objRS ;
              AUTOCOLS ;
              FONT oFont COLOR BFcolor, BGcolor

      oBrw:nEditTypes := aEdit






CODE run fine using BCC7 32 Bit but with MSVC 64 Bit XBROWSE is not "refresh" after "edit" :shock:


some more Question

how do i get active ROW / COL where Cursor are ?

when using FASTEDIT i got a "big" Input Windows ... how to get "Inline Edit" ?
can i use oBrowse:EditSource() with Record-Set ? ( Header as "Structure" ? )
can i "seek" in XBROWSE when use a Record-Set ?
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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Jun 10, 2023 7:31 am

This is not necessary:
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  FOR jj := 0 TO objRS:Fields:Count - 1  // FIELDs are zero-based
      AADD(aEdit, EDIT_GET)
      oBrw:nEditTypes := aEdit

This single line is enough:
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oBrw:nEditTypes := EDIT_GET

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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Jun 10, 2023 10:49 am

want to build a Tool which can "read/write" *.XLSx without EXCEL
but i must install ADO "Pack" ( Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 ) else FW_OpenADOExcelSheet() will fail

You want to run your software on PCs where Office is not installed. For this reason, you want to use ADO.
That is fine.
If we confine our application to "*.xls" files only, this is very simple. With Jet OLEDB that is installed by default on alll PCs your application will run fine without any problems at all on all PCs whether Office is installed or not.

But "*.xlsx" requires installation of ACE.OLEDB.
Our program does not run on all PCs, unless all our clients install ACE OLEDB.
Here we face other kind of problems.
CODE run fine using BCC7 32 Bit but with MSVC 64 Bit XBROWSE is not "refresh" after "edit" :shock:

ACE OLEDB installed on the target computer can be 32-bits version or 64-bits version.
If our application is 32bits, it can use only ACE 32-bit provider only.
To use 64-bit ACE provider, we need to build our application in 64-bits.
So which application we distribute? Our 32/64 bit application?
So, think about it.
In real life, this is not so simple.

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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:57 pm

how to get "Inline Edit?

"Inline Edit" is the inbuilt way of editing XBrowse cells. This is available at all times.
The programmer does not have to do anything more than setting oCol:nEditType > 0 (usually EDIT_GET.

oCol:nEditType is > 0 and
oCol:lReadOnly is .F. ( default ) and
oCol:bEditWhen is NIL (default ) or Evaluates to .T.
Inline Edit of the cell is automatically available (whether oBrw:lFastEdit is .T. or .F. )

When the user presses Enter Key on a cell or double clicks on a cell, Inline Edit of the cell is automatically invoked. There is nothing the programmer needs to do for this.

FASTEDIT. ( oBrw:lFastEdit is .T.)
This is the only difference. If the oBrw:lFastEdit is .F. (default), user needs to press Enter key to invoke Inline Edit.
If oBrw:lFastEdit is set to .T., if the user presses any (acceptable) Key, the InlineEdit is invoked treating the key pressed as the first key of the Get object.
Acceptable key is alpha-numeric key for cells with character value and numeric key of numeric value.
This the ONLY difference between FastEdit and no FastEdit

Behavior of XBrowse is very similar to Excel sheet editing.

Methods oBrw:Edit( lAppend ) and oBrw:EditSource( lAppend ) are provided if the programmer wants to provide edit of the Row in a dialog form. These methods use TDataRow/FW_Record class.

can i use oBrowse:EditSource() with Record-Set ? ( Header as "Structure" ? )

This method works with any datasource, eg. dbf, tdatabase, ado recordset, tmysql, dolphin, fwhmysql or any othe datasource with identical appearance and behavior.
can i "seek" in XBROWSE when use a Record-Set ?

For that matter any datasource.

how do i get active ROW / COL where Cursor are ?

But you rarely need this information.

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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby Jimmy » Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:39 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:This is not necessary:
This single line is enough:
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oBrw:nEditTypes := EDIT_GET

ah, ok


as you wrote {1,1,1}, which work "only" on Column 1 - 3, i thought it mus be a Array for each Column
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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby Jimmy » Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:44 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:ACE OLEDB installed on the target computer can be 32-bits version or 64-bits version.
If our application is 32bits, it can use only ACE 32-bit provider only.
To use 64-bit ACE provider, we need to build our application in 64-bits.
So which application we distribute? Our 32/64 bit application?

on 32 Bit OS i use ADO 32 Bit and BCC7 32 Bit and XBNROWSE "refresh" fine after "edit"
on 64 Bit OS i use ADO 64 Bit and MSVC 64 Bit and XBNROWSE do NOT "refresh" after "edit"

so what i´m doing wrong :?:


have found out that "Input Window" is when have Type "C"
when all Column are Type "C" than it does not "refresh" under 64 Bit
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Re: Fivewin and ADO

Postby Jimmy » Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:54 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:if
oCol:nEditType is > 0 and
oCol:lReadOnly is .F. ( default ) and
oCol:bEditWhen is NIL (default ) or Evaluates to .T.
Inline Edit of the cell is automatically available (whether oBrw:lFastEdit is .T. or .F. )

you talk about oCol but i use oBro ...
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  oBrw:nEditTypes := EDIT_GET    // work

   oBrw:lReadOnly := .F.         // no Effect ?
   oBrw:bEditWhen := {|| .T. }   // no Effect ?


how to change to get "Inline edit" instead of "Input Window" :?:

p.s. all those useful Information MUST be in Help File special when we need "combination" of Option
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