Search in Richedit5

Search in Richedit5

Postby Natter » Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:29 am


In Richedit5, I need to find some phrase and color it red. How do I do this?
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Re: Search in Richedit5

Postby Marc Venken » Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:17 am

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Re: Search in Richedit5

Postby Natter » Sat Aug 05, 2023 11:31 am

As I understand it, you can change the color of a text fragment in RichEdit5 like this:
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method Colorize(nStart, nEnd, nColor)

However, I didn't understand how to find this fragment in RichEdit5 :(
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Re: Search in Richedit5

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:09 pm

Dear Yuri,

METHOD Find( cFind, lDown, lCase, lWord ) CLASS TRichEdit5
regards, saludos

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Re: Search in Richedit5

Postby Natter » Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:17 pm

Thanks !
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Re: Search in Richedit5

Postby Jimmy » Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:57 pm


as i can say Fivewin have HB_FUNC( FINDTEXT ) but not HB_FUNC( REPLACETEXT )
but all Structure are in c:\fwh\source\winapi\findtext.c


under HMG i have this
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static TCHAR       cFindWhat[ 1024 ];
static TCHAR       cReplaceWith[ 1024 ];
static FINDREPLACE FindReplace;
static HWND        hDlgFindReplace = NULL;

   UINT MessageID = RegisterWindowMessage( FINDMSGSTRING );

   hb_retnl( ( LONG ) MessageID );

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//   HWND hWnd           = HB_ISNIL( 1 ) ? GetActiveWindow() : ( HWND ) hb_parnl( 1 );
   HWND hWnd           = GetActiveWindow() ;
   BOOL NoUpDown       = ( BOOL ) ( HB_ISNIL( 2 ) ? FALSE : hb_parl( 2 ) );
   BOOL NoMatchCase    = ( BOOL ) ( HB_ISNIL( 3 ) ? FALSE : hb_parl( 3 ) );
   BOOL NoWholeWord    = ( BOOL ) ( HB_ISNIL( 4 ) ? FALSE : hb_parl( 4 ) );
   BOOL CheckDown      = ( BOOL ) ( HB_ISNIL( 5 ) ? TRUE  : hb_parl( 5 ) );
   BOOL CheckMatchCase = ( BOOL ) ( HB_ISNIL( 6 ) ? FALSE : hb_parl( 6 ) );
   BOOL CheckWholeWord = ( BOOL ) ( HB_ISNIL( 7 ) ? FALSE : hb_parl( 7 ) );
   BOOL lReplace       = ( BOOL ) hb_parl( 10 );

#ifndef UNICODE
   LPSTR FindWhat    = ( LPSTR ) hb_parc( 8 );
   LPSTR ReplaceWith = ( LPSTR ) hb_parc( 9 );
   LPSTR cTitle      = ( LPSTR ) hb_parc( 11 );
   LPWSTR FindWhat    = AnsiToWide( ( char * ) hb_parc( 8 ) );
   LPWSTR ReplaceWith = AnsiToWide( ( char * ) hb_parc( 9 ) );
   LPWSTR cTitle      = AnsiToWide( ( char * ) hb_parc( 11 ) );

   if( hDlgFindReplace == NULL )
      ZeroMemory( &FindReplace, sizeof( FindReplace ) );

      lstrcpy( cFindWhat, FindWhat );
      lstrcpy( cReplaceWith, ReplaceWith );

      FindReplace.lStructSize = sizeof( FindReplace );
      FindReplace.Flags       = ( NoUpDown ? FR_HIDEUPDOWN : 0 ) | ( NoMatchCase ? FR_HIDEMATCHCASE : 0 ) | ( NoWholeWord ? FR_HIDEWHOLEWORD : 0 )
                              | ( CheckDown ? FR_DOWN : 0 ) | ( CheckMatchCase ? FR_MATCHCASE : 0 ) | ( CheckWholeWord ? FR_WHOLEWORD : 0 );
      FindReplace.hwndOwner        = hWnd;
      FindReplace.lpstrFindWhat    = cFindWhat;
      FindReplace.wFindWhatLen     = sizeof( cFindWhat ) / sizeof( TCHAR );
      FindReplace.lpstrReplaceWith = cReplaceWith;
      FindReplace.wReplaceWithLen  = sizeof( cReplaceWith ) / sizeof( TCHAR );

      if( lReplace )
         hDlgFindReplace = ReplaceText( &FindReplace );
         hDlgFindReplace = FindText( &FindReplace );

      if( HB_ISCHAR( 11 ) )
         SetWindowText( hDlgFindReplace, cTitle );

      ShowWindow( hDlgFindReplace, SW_SHOW );

#ifdef UNICODE
   hb_xfree( ( TCHAR * ) FindWhat );
   hb_xfree( ( TCHAR * ) ReplaceWith );
   hb_xfree( ( TCHAR * ) cTitle );

   #ifndef _WIN64
    hb_retnl( ( LONG ) hDlgFindReplace );
    hb_retnll( ( LONGLONG ) hDlgFindReplace );

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   hb_retl( ( BOOL ) ( hDlgFindReplace == NULL ) );

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   BOOL lDestroy = HB_ISNIL( 1 ) ? TRUE : hb_parl( 1 );

   if( hDlgFindReplace != NULL && lDestroy )
      DestroyWindow( hDlgFindReplace );
   hDlgFindReplace = NULL;

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   #ifndef _WIN64
      LPARAM lParam = (LPARAM) hb_parnl (1);
      LPARAM lParam = (LPARAM) hb_parnll (1);
   LONG nRet = -1;
//   LPSTR pStr;

   if ( FR->Flags & FR_DIALOGTERM )
       nRet =  0;

   if ( FR->Flags & FR_FINDNEXT )
       nRet =  1;

   if ( FR->Flags & FR_REPLACE )
       nRet =  2;

   if ( FR->Flags & FR_REPLACEALL )
       nRet =  3;

   hb_reta (6);

   hb_storvnl ( (LONG) nRet,                       -1,  1 );

   #ifndef UNICODE
      hb_storvc (  FR->lpstrFindWhat,              -1,  2 );
      hb_storvc (  FR->lpstrReplaceWith,           -1,  3 );
       LPSTR pStr = WideToAnsi( FR->lpstrFindWhat );
      hb_storvc (  pStr,                           -1,  2 );
      pStr = WideToAnsi( FR->lpstrReplaceWith );
      hb_storvc (  pStr,                           -1,  3 );

   hb_storvl  ( (BOOL) (FR->Flags & FR_DOWN),      -1,  4 );
   hb_storvl  ( (BOOL) (FR->Flags & FR_MATCHCASE), -1,  5 );
   hb_storvl  ( (BOOL) (FR->Flags & FR_WHOLEWORD), -1,  6 );
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Re: Search in Richedit5

Postby Natter » Sun Aug 06, 2023 9:37 am

Jimmy, what does RichEdit5 have to do with it ? :wink:
I tried both :Find() and :Search() - unsuccessfully
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Re: Search in Richedit5

Postby cnavarro » Sun Aug 06, 2023 5:10 pm

Please indicate the string you are looking for
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Re: Search in Richedit5

Postby Natter » Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:14 pm

A string of Cyrillic characters
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Re: Search in Richedit5

Postby Jimmy » Sun Aug 06, 2023 11:09 pm

Natter wrote:Jimmy, what does RichEdit5 have to do with it ?

HMG CODE work with RTF or TXT using
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    if( lReplace )
         hDlgFindReplace = ReplaceText( &FindReplace );
         hDlgFindReplace = FindText( &FindReplace );


i´m not sure about Fivewin HB_FUNC( FINDTEXT ) if it work with UNICODE ... have not test it yet
but i know that HMG Version does work with German "Umlaute"
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