This function is in filename.prg in \fwh\source\function directory.
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- function cFilePath( cPathMask ) // returns path of a filename
local lUNC := "/" $ cPathMask
local cSep := If( lUNC, "/", "\" )
local n := RAt( cSep, cPathMask ), cDisk
return If( n > 0, Upper( Left( cPathMask, n ) ),;
( cDisk := cFileDisc( cPathMask ) ) + If( ! Empty( cDisk ), cSep, "" ) )
I used this function in my application. file path I noticed it was in uppercase. This creates problems with the Turkish characters I use. Is there a purpose in using the upper function? (Note. When I remove the Upper function, the problem disappears)
How can I replace the cFilePath function with my own function? I don't want to change this function in the entire application.