Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:57 pm

It starts in one hour:

On skype:

To get the latest FWH 32 and 64 bits, you have to send PayPal to alinares@fivetechsoft.com for 70 euros

webinar dates will be:
Monday 9 - 17 pm
Tuesday 10 - 17 pm
Wednesday 11 - 17 pm

Hurry up - You are still on time!
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today !!!

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:47 pm

hbmk2 examples

Borland 32 bits
Code: Select all  Expand view
set bcc=bcc77
set path=c:\%bcc%\bin
set HB_USER_CFLAGS=-Ic:\%bcc%\INCLUDE\windows\crtl -Ic:\%bcc%\INCLUDE\windows\sdk -Lc:\%bcc%\LIB
set HB_USER_LDFLAGS=-Lc:\%bcc%\LIB;c:\%bcc%\LIB\psdk
c:\harbour\bin\win\bcc\hbmk2.exe test.hbp -comp=bcc

Code: Select all  Expand view






Borland 64 bits
Code: Select all  Expand view
set bcc=bcc7764
set path=c:\%bcc%\bin
set HB_USER_CFLAGS=-Ic:\%bcc%\INCLUDE\windows\crtl -Ic:\%bcc%\INCLUDE\windows\sdk -Lc:\%bcc%\LIB
set HB_USER_LDFLAGS=-Lc:\%bcc%\LIB;c:\%bcc%\LIB\psdk
c:\harbour\bin\win\bcc64\hbmk2.exe test.hbp -comp=bcc64

Code: Select all  Expand view






Microsoft 32 bits
Code: Select all  Expand view
call "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86
c:\harbour\bin\win\msvc\hbmk2 test32.hbp -comp=msvc

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#ficheros de configuración debido a las funciones usadas


Microsoft 64 bits
Code: Select all  Expand view
call "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
c:\harbour\bin\win\msvc64\hbmk2 test64.hbp -comp=msvc64

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regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today !!!

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:54 pm

Tomorrow September 10 at 17 p.m. we have:

* webview coding from Harbour and FWH (Antonio Linares)
* mod_harbour and XRunner (Carles Aubia)
* Artificial Intelligence from Harbour and FWH (Antonio Linares) (if we run out of time, we will continue on wednesday)

See you in the webinar! :-)

Wednesday September 11 at 17 p.m. we have:

* DBF migration to MySQL/MariaDB (Mr. Rao)
* Artificial Intelligence from Harbour and FWH (Antonio Linares)

For those that want to assist, please PayPal to alinares@fivetechsoft.com 70 euros. You will receive latest FWH 32 and 64 bits versions.

Thank you. See you there!
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:12 pm

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby acuellar » Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:15 pm

Antonio Linares wrote:Tomorrow September 10 at 17 p.m. we have:

* webview coding from Harbour and FWH (Antonio Linares)
* mod_harbour and XRunner (Carles Aubia)
* Artificial Intelligence from Harbour and FWH (Antonio Linares) (if we run out of time, we will continue on wednesday)

See you in the webinar! :-)

Wednesday September 11 at 17 p.m. we have:

* DBF migration to MySQL/MariaDB (Mr. Rao)
* Artificial Intelligence from Harbour and FWH (Antonio Linares)

For those that want to assist, please PayPal to alinares@fivetechsoft.com 70 euros. You will receive latest FWH 32 and 64 bits versions.

Thank you. See you there!

Estimado Antonio

No olvidar lo de el firmado de xml con RSA SHA256 desde un .p12
Es un tema muy importante

Adhemar C.
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:20 pm

> No olvidar lo de el firmado de xml con RSA SHA256 desde un .p12

Ese tema lo vemos mañana con la colaboración de Quim Ferrer!
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:21 pm

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby Jimmy » Tue Sep 10, 2024 6:18 pm

hi Antonio,

THX for those Link-Script Sample.
now i can re-write all my Link-Script fir 32 and 64 Bit
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby Jimmy » Tue Sep 10, 2024 6:43 pm

hi antonio,

i got Error Message when using GO32 / Test32.HBP

EVERYTH.PRG(32) Error E0030 Syntax error "syntax error at 'FUNCTION'"
EVERYTH.PRG(33) Error E0030 Syntax error "syntax error at 'FUNCTION'"
EVERYTH.PRG(34) Error E0030 Syntax error "syntax error at 'FUNCTION'"
EVERYTH.PRG(35) Error E0030 Syntax error "syntax error at 'FUNCTION'"
EVERYTH.PRG(37) Error E0030 Syntax error "syntax error at 'FUNCTION'"
EVERYTH.PRG(38) Error E0030 Syntax error "syntax error at 'FUNCTION'"

Code: Select all  Expand view
DLL FUNCTION Everything_GetBuildNumber() AS LONG PASCAL FROM "Everything_GetBuildNumber" LIB hDll
DLL FUNCTION Everything_SetSearchA( cSearch AS LPSTR ) AS VOID PASCAL FROM "Everything_SetSearchA" LIB hDll
DLL FUNCTION Everything_QueryA( lWait AS BOOL ) AS BOOL PASCAL FROM "Everything_QueryA" LIB hDll
DLL FUNCTION Everything_GetNumResults() AS LONG PASCAL FROM "Everything_GetNumResults" LIB hDll
// need to check Parameter Type
DLL FUNCTION Everything_SetRequestFlags( nFlag AS DWORD ) AS VOID PASCAL FROM  
   "Everything_SetRequestFlags" LIB hDll
DLL FUNCTION Everything_GetResultFullPathNameA( nNum AS _INT, cBuffer AS LPSTR, nSize AS _INT ) AS VOID PASCAL FROM "Everything_GetResultFullPathNameA" LIB hDll

how to fix it :?:
need some help please
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby Jimmy » Tue Sep 10, 2024 6:51 pm

hi Antonio,

sorry, that i ask so much
here my next Qestion
Compiling 'FWEJECT.PRG'...
Lines 5172, Functions/Procedures 2
Generating C source output to 'FWEJECT.c'... Done.
Compiling 'HB_FUNC.PRG'...
Lines 142, Functions/Procedures 0
Generating C source output to 'HB_FUNC.c'... Done.
Cannot open #-traceonly.prg, assumed external

where do #-traceonly.prg come from :?:
i do not have a File like that

my test32.HBP
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby alerchster » Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:36 pm

-traceonly is an option from hbmk2 and not a prg!

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Harbour Make (hbmk2) 3.2.0dev (r2024-05-13 00:39)
Copyright (c) 1999-present, Viktor Szakats


  hbmk2 [options] [<script[s]>] <src[s][.prg|.c|.obj|.o|.rc|.res|.def|.po|.pot|.hbl|@.clp|.d|.ch]>


  hbmk2 is an integrated and portable build tool, making it possible to create
  various types of executable binaries (executable, dynamic library, static
  library, Harbour portable binary) out of multiple types of source files (C,
  C++, Objective-C, Harbour, gettext translations, Windows resources).
  'Integrated' means that a single hbmk2 project file can control all or most
  aspects of the build process. 'Portable' means that a single hbmk2 project
  file can control the build on all supported OS platforms and across all
  supported C compilers. It also aims to cover the majority of build tasks via
  short and simple project files (options). hbmk2 supports pure -non-Harbour-
  C/C++/Objective-C projects as well. In order to achieve above goals, hbmk2
  will auto-detect Harbour, C compiler and other required tools, then configure
  and call them appropriately. hbmk2 allows to extend the types of supported
  source files via plugins.
  Besides building executables, hbmk2 is able to run Harbour scripts (both
  source and precompiled) directly, and it also features an interactive shell


  -o<outname>         output file name
  -l<libname>         link with <libname> library. <libname> should be without
                      path, extension and 'lib' prefix (unless part of the
                      name). Do not add core Harbour libraries, they are
                      automatically added as needed. If <libname> starts with a
                      '-' character, the library will be removed from the list
                      of libraries at link time.
  -L<libpath>         additional path to search for libraries
  -i<p>|-incpath=<p>  additional path to search for headers
  -static|-shared     link with static/shared libs
  -gt<name>           link with GT<name> GT driver, can be repeated to link
                      with more GTs. First one will be the default at run-time
  -inc[-]             enable/disable incremental build mode (default: disabled)
  -hbexe              create executable (default)
  -hblib              create static library
  -hbdyn              create dynamic library (without linked Harbour VM)
  -hbdynvm            create dynamic library (with linked Harbour VM)

  -mt|-st             link with multi/single-thread Harbour VM
  -gui|-std           create GUI/console executable
  -main=<mainfunc>    override the name of starting function/procedure
  -request=<func>     force function/procedure to be linked
  -fullstatic         link with all static libs
  -pic[-]             create position independent object code (always enabled
                      in -hbdyn/-hbdynvm modes)
  -[full|fix]shared   create shared Harbour binaries without/with absolute dir
                      reference to Harbour library (default: 'fullshared' when
                      Harbour is installed on system location, 'fixshared'
                      otherwise) (fix/full option in *nix only)
  -nulrdd[-]          link with nulrdd
  -debug[-]           add/exclude C compiler debug info. For Harbour level
                      debug, use Harbour option -b as usual
  -optim[-]           toggle C compiler optimizations (default: on)
  -cpp[-]             force C++/C mode
  -cpp=<value>        select C++ mode. Allowed values are: def, yes, no
  -c=<value>          select C standard. Allowed values are: iso90, iso99,
                      iso11, gnu90, gnu99, gnu11
  -cpp=<value>        select C++ mode or standard. Allowed values are: def,
                      yes, no, iso98, iso11, iso14, gnu98, gnu11, gnu14
  -map[-]             create (or not) a map file
  -implib[-]          create (or not) an import library (in -hbdyn/-hbexe
                      mode). The name will have a suffix added.
  -implib=<output>    create import library (in -hbdyn/-hbexe mode) name to
                      <output> (default: same as output)
  -ln=<link>          create symbolic link pointing to <output> (<link> is
                      considered relative to <output>)
  -strip[-]           strip (no strip) binaries
  -trace[-]           show commands executed
  -beep[-]            enable (or disable) single beep on successful exit,
                      double beep on failure
  -ignore[-]          ignore errors when running compiler tools (default: off)
  -hbcppmm[-]         override standard C++ memory management functions with
                      Harbour ones
  -winuni[-]          select between UNICODE (WIDE) and ANSI compilation modes
                      (default: ANSI) (Windows only. For WinCE it is always set
                      to UNICODE)
  -nohblib[-]         do not use static core Harbour libraries when linking
  -nodefgt[-]         do not link default GTs (effective in -static mode)
  -nolibgrouping[-]   disable library grouping on gcc based compilers
  -nomiscsyslib[-]    do not add extra list of system libraries to default
                      library list
  -traceonly          show commands to be executed, but do not execute them
  -warn=<level>       set C compiler warning level
                      <level> can be: max, yes, low, no, def (default: yes)
  -safe[-]            enable safety options in C compiler/linker (default:
                      enabled on Windows, disabled on other systems)
  -compr=<level>      compress executable/dynamic lib (needs UPX tool)
                      <level> can be: yes, no, min, max
  -run[-]             run/do not run output executable
  -vcshead=<file>     generate .ch header file with local repository
                      information. Git, SVN, Mercurial, Bazaar, Fossil, CVS and
                      Monotone are currently supported. Generated header will
                      define preprocessor constant _HBMK_VCS_TYPE_ with the
                      name of detected VCS and _HBMK_VCS_ID_ with the unique ID
                      of local repository. If no VCS system is detected, a
                      sequential number will be rolled automatically on each
  -tshead=<file>      generate .ch header file with timestamp information.
                      Generated header will define preprocessor constants
                      _HBMK_BUILD_DATE_, _HBMK_BUILD_TIME_,
                      _HBMK_BUILD_TIMESTAMP_ with the date/time of build
  -icon=<file>        set <file> as application icon. <file> should be a
                      supported format on the target platform (not supported by
                      some platforms/compilers). On Windows, it is implemented
                      by generating and linking a resource file.
  -manifest=<file>    embed manifest <file> in executable/dynamic lib (Windows
  -sign=<key>         sign executable with <key> (Windows and Darwin only). On
                      Windows signtool.exe is used (part of MS Windows SDK) or
                      posign.exe (part of Pelles C 7), in that order, both
  -signpw=<pw>        use <pw> as password when signing executable (Windows and
                      Darwin only)
  -instfile=<g:file>  add <file> in to the list of files to be copied to path
                      specified by -instpath option. <g> is an optional copy
                      group (case sensitive), it must be at least two
                      characters long. In case you do not specify <file>, the
                      list of files in that group will be emptied.
  -instpath=<g:path>  copy target file(s) to <path>. if <path> is a directory,
                      it should end with path separator, in this case files
                      specified by -instfile option will also be copied. can be
                      specified multiple times. <g> is an optional copy group,
                      it must be at least two characters long. Build target
                      will be automatically copied to default (empty) copy
                      group. There exist following built-in <g> groups:
                      'depimplib' for import libraries and 'depimplibsrc' for
                      import library source (.dll) files, both belonging to
  -instforce[-]       copy target file(s) to install path even if already up to
  -depimplib[-]       enable (or disable) import library generation for import
                      library sources specified in -depimplibs= options
                      (default: yes)
  -stop[=<text>]      stop without doing anything and display <text> if
  -echo=<text>        echo text on screen
  -pause              force waiting for a key on exit in case of failure (with
                      alternate GTs only)
  -exitstr            show error result as human readable text on exit
  -info               turn on informational messages
  -quiet[-]           suppress all screen messages

  -bldf[-]            inherit all/no (default) flags from Harbour build
  -bldf=[p][c][l]     inherit .prg/.c/linker flags (or none) from Harbour build
  -F<framework>       link with <framework> framework (Darwin only)
  -prgflag=<f>        pass single flag to Harbour compiler
  -cflag=<f>          pass single flag to C compiler
  -resflag=<f>        pass single flag to resource compiler (Windows only)
  -ldflag=<f>         pass single flag to linker (executable)
  -dflag=<f>          pass single flag to linker (dynamic library)
  -aflag=<f>          pass single flag to linker (static library)
  -iflag=<f>          pass single flag to import library creation command
  -signflag=<f>       pass single flag to code sign command
  -runflag=<f>        pass single flag to output executable when -run option is
  -cflag+=<f>         pass single flag to C compiler overriding C compiler
                      flags added by hbmk2 itself. Use with caution.
  -ldflag+=<f>        pass single raw option to linker (executable) after the
                      library list. Use with caution.
  -dflag+=<f>         pass single raw option to linker (dynamic library) after
                      the library list. Use with caution.
  -3rd=<f>            options/flags reserved for 3rd party tools, always
                      ignored by hbmk2 itself
  -env:<e>[<o>[<v>]]  alter local environment. <e> is the name of the
                      environment variable to alter. <o> can be '=' to
                      set/override, '-' to delete, '+' to append to the end of
                      existing value, '#' to insert to the beginning of
                      existing value. <v> is the value to set/append/insert.
  -jobs=<n>           start n compilation threads (multiprocess platforms only)
  -head=<m>           control source header parsing (in incremental build mode)
                      <m> can be: native (uses compiler to extract
                      dependencies), full (default, uses simple text parser on
                      the whole file), dep, off
  -rebuild            rebuild (in incremental build mode)
  -rebuildall         rebuild with sub-projects (in incremental build mode)
  -clean              clean (in incremental build mode)
  -workdir=<dir>      working directory
                      (default: .hbmk/<platform>/<compiler> [*] in incremental
                      mode, OS temp directory otherwise)

  -hbcontainer        virtual build target, it does not create anything. Useful
                      for creating an .hbp with the sole purpose of referencing
  -hbimplib           create import library (Windows only)

  -hbl[=<output>]     output .hbl filename. %{hb_lng} macro is accepted in
  -lng=<languages>    list of languages to be replaced in %{hb_lng} macros in
                      .pot/.po filenames and output .hbl/.po filenames. Comma
                      separated list:
  -po=<output>        create/update .po file from source. Merge it with
                      previous .po file of the same name
  -minipo[-]          do (not) add Harbour version number and source file
                      reference to .po (default: add them)
  -rebuildpo          recreate .po file, thus removing all obsolete entries in

  -hbx=[<.ch>]        Create Harbour header (in .hbx format) with all external
                      symbols. Empty parameter will disable it.
                      <.ch> is a header file name. <.hbc> is a .hbc filename to
                      be automatically included in case the header is found in
                      any of the compiled sources. (EXPERIMENTAL)

  -deppkgname=<d:n>   <d> is the name of the dependency. <n> name of the
                      package dependency. Can be specified multiple times.
  -depkeyhead=<d:h>   <d> is the name of the dependency. <h> is the key header
                      (.h) of the package dependency. Multiple alternative
                      headers can be specified.
  -depoptional=<d:f>  <d> is the name of the dependency. <f> can be 'yes' or
                      'no', specifies whether the dependency is optional.
                      Default: no
  -depcontrol=<d:v>   <d> is the name of the dependency. <v> is a value that
                      controls how detection is done. Accepted values: no, yes,
                      force, nolocal, local. Default: content of environment
                      variable HBMK_WITH_<d>
  -depincroot=<d:r>   <d> is the name of the dependency. Set <r> as root
                      directory for paths specified in -depincpath options.
  -depincpath=<d:i>   <d> is the name of the dependency. Add <i> to the header
                      detection path list.
                      <d> is the name of the dependency. Add <i> to the header
                      detection path list, where <i> is pointing to a directory
                      local to the project and containing an embedded (aka.
                      'locally hosted') dependency.
                      <d> is the name of the dependency. Add <dll> to the
                      import library source list.
                      <d> is the name of the dependency. Set generated import
                      library name to <lib>
  -depfinish=<d>      <d> is the name of the dependency. Closes the dependency
                      definition and does the actual dependency detection,
                      setting all predefined filter macro variables and build
                      options accordingly. Optional, if omitted, detection will
                      take place after processing all options.

  -plugin=<filename>  add plugin. <filename> can be: .hb, .prg, .hrb
  -pi=<filename>      pass input file to plugins
  -pflag=<f>          pass single flag to plugins

Options below are available on command-line:

  -target=<script>    specify a new build target. <script> can be .prg (or no
                      extension) or .hbp file. Note that .hbp files are
                      automatically considered as separate build targets.

  -hbrun              run build target
  -hbraw              stop after running Harbour compiler
  -hbcmp|-clipper     stop after creating the object files
                      create link/copy hbmk2 to hbcmp/clipper for the same
  -hbcc               accept raw C flags
                      create link/copy hbmk2 to hbcc for the same effect
  -hblnk              accept raw linker flags
  -autohbm[-]         enable (or disable) processing of hbmk.hbm in current
                      directory (default: yes)
  -hb10               enable Harbour 1.0.x compatibility mode
  -hb20               enable Harbour 2.0.x compatibility mode
  -hb30               enable Harbour 3.0.x compatibility mode
  -xhb                enable xHarbour mode
  -hbc                enable pure C mode
  -exospace           emulate Clipper compatible linker behavior
                      create link/copy hbmk2 to rtlink/blinker/exospace for the
                      same effect

  -hbreg[=global]     register Harbour Script (.hb) with hbmk2 (Windows only)
  -hbunreg[=global]   unregister Harbour Script (.hb) from hbmk2 (Windows only)

  -find <text>        lists all known Harbour functions that contain <text> in
                      their name, along with their package (case insensitive,
                      accepts multiple values, can contain wildcard characters)

  -hbmake=<file>      convert hbmake project <file> to .hbp file
  -xbp=<file>         convert .xbp (xbuild) project <file> to .hbp file
  -xhp=<file>         convert .xhp (xMate) project <file> to .hbp file

  --hbdirbin          output Harbour binary directory to stdout
  --hbdirdyn          output Harbour dynamic library directory to stdout
  --hbdirlib          output Harbour static library directory to stdout
  --hbdirinc          output Harbour header directory to stdout
  --hbinfo[=nested]   output Harbour build information to stdout. Output is in
                      JSON format. The included paths always contain forward
                      slashes. Each JSON block is followed by an 0x0A byte.

  -plat=<platform>    override default target platform (default: automatic)
  -cpu=<cpu>          override default target CPU (default: automatic)
  -comp=<compiler>    override C compiler auto-detection
                      Special value:
                       - bld: use original build settings (default on *nix)
  -build=<name>       specify a build name
  -lang=<lang>        override default language. <lang> is an ISO language
  -width=<n>          set output width to <n> characters (0=unlimited).
  -shl                show sub-project level in output lines
  -viewhelp           long help in text viewer
  -longhelp           long help
  -longhelpmd         long help in Markdown format
  -harbourhelp        Harbour compiler help (all Harbour compiler options are
                      accepted as is by hbmk2)
  -credits            Harbour compiler credits
  -build              Harbour compiler build information
  -version            display version header only

You can sym-link/copy/rename hbmk2 to the following names to alter default mode
of operation:

  hbrun*|*hbrun       mode script runner / interactive shell
  hbrund|hbrun*d      mode script runner / interactive shell in debug mode
  harbour             mode -hbraw (emulate - raw - Harbour compiler)
  clipper             mode -hbcmp (emulate Cl*pper compiler)
  rtlink              mode -rtlink (emulate Cl*pper linker)
  exospace            mode -rtlink (emulate Cl*pper linker)
  blinker             mode -rtlink (emulate Cl*pper linker)
  *10                 option -hb10
  *20                 option -hb20
  *30                 option -hb30
  x*                  option -xhb
  hbcmp*|*hbcmp       mode -hbcmp (emulate Harbour compiler producing a binary
  hbcc*|*hbcc         mode -hbcc (emulate C compiler)
  hblnk*|*hblnk       mode -hblnk (emulate C linker)
  hbexe*|*hbexe       mode -hbexe
  hblib*|*hblib       mode -hblib
  hbdyn*|*hbdyn       mode -hbdyn


  *.hbp               project file. Can contain any number of command-line
                      options, which are expected to create an output. Lines
                      beginning with '#' character are ignored, otherwise
                      newline is optional and options are space separated, just
                      like on the command-line. You must enclose option
                      containing space in double quotes. Each .hbp file
                      reference will be executed as a sub-project.
  *.hbm               collection of options. Can be used to collect common ones
                      into a file and include that into project files. Uses
                      same format as .hbp files.
  *.hbc               collection of options that accompany components (aka
                      'libs', aka packages). Use different syntax than
                      command-line and .hbp/.hbm files. Lines beginning with
                      '#' character are ignored, each directive must be placed
                      in separate line.
  *.ch                if passed directly as a source file, it will be used as
                      additional standard header
  hbmk.hbc            standard .hbc file that gets automatically processed, if
                      present. Possible location(s) (in order of precedence)
                      [*]: C:\Users\Anton\AppData\Roaming\.harbour,
  hbmk.hbm            optional .hbm file residing in current working directory,
                      which gets automatically processed before other options
  $hb_pkg_dynlib.hbm  special .hbm file built-in inside hbmk2. It manages the
                      details of creating a dynamic library (in the style of
                      Harbour contribs).
                      special .hbm file built-in inside hbmk2. It manages the
                      details of installing build targets and related package
                      files to standard locations (in the style of Harbour

  *.hb                Harbour script
  *.hrb               Harbour portable binary (aka precompiled Harbour script)
  hbstart.hb          startup Harbour script for interactive Harbour shell. It
                      gets executed automatically on shell startup, if present.
                      Possible locations (in order of precedence) [*]: .\,
  shell plugins       .hb and .hrb plugins for interactive Harbour shell. They
                      may reside in [*]:
  .hb_history         stores command history for interactive Harbour shell. You
                      can disable history by making the first line 'no'
                      (without quotes and with newline). Resides in [*]:
  hb_extension        list of extensions to load in interactive Harbour shell.
                      One extension per line, part of line beyond a '#'
                      character is ignored. Alternate filename on MS-DOS:
                      hb_ext.ini. Resides in [*]:

Macro variables:

  ${hb_root}          directory of hbmk2
  ${hb_dir}           directory of the filename it is used in
  ${hb_dirname}       top directory of the filename it is used in
  ${hb_name}          name of the filename it is used in (without directory and
  ${hb_self}          full filename it is used in
  ${hb_curdir}        current working directory
  ${hb_tempdir}       OS directory for temporary files
  ${hb_targetname}    name of the project (without directory and extension).
                      Returns .adhoc. if there is not project file.
  ${hb_targettype}    type of the project (hbexe, hblib, hbdyn, hbdynvm,
                      hbimplib, hbppo, hbhrb, hbcontainer)
  ${hb_plat}          selected platform
  ${hb_comp}          selected C compiler
  ${hb_comp_ver}      C compiler version
  ${hb_build}         build name
  ${hb_cpu}           selected CPU
  ${hb_work}          default base workdir name
  ${hb_workdynsub}    default workdir subdirectory for dynamic library targets
  ${hb_dynprefix}     dynamic library prefix
  ${hb_dynsuffix}     dynamic library suffix
  ${hb_dynext}        dynamic library extension
  ${hb_ver}           Harbour version in hexadecimal triple byte format. F.e.:
  ${hb_verstr}        Harbour version in human readable format
                      <major>.<minor>.<release><status>. F.e.: 3.2.0dev
  ${hb_major}         Harbour major version number
  ${hb_minor}         Harbour minor version number
  ${hb_release}       Harbour release version number
  ${hb_status}        Harbour version status
  ${hb_revision}      Harbour revision
  ${hb_host_plat}     Harbour host platform
                      returns '1' if Harbour host platform is *nix compatible
  ${hb_bin}           Harbour binary directory
  ${hb_lib}           Harbour static library directory
  ${hb_lib3rd}        Harbour 3rd party static library directory
  ${hb_dyn}           Harbour dynamic library directory
  ${hb_inc}           Harbour header directory
  ${hb_addons}        Harbour add-ons base directory
  ${hb_first}         name of source file that holds the entry function
                      (without directory and extension)
  ${hb_outputdir}     directory of the output
  ${hb_outputname}    name of the output (without extension)
  ${hb_level}         sub-project recursion level
  ${<depname>}        returns the header directory of dependency <depname>, or
                      '1' if it is not detected
  ${<envvar>}         returns the value of the environment variable <envvar>

Filters (you can combine and/or negate them):

  {<platform>}        target platform. Where <platform> can be any value
                      accepted by -plat= option.
  {<compiler>}        target C compiler. Where <compiler> can be any value
                      accepted by -comp= option.
  {<cpu>}             target CPU. Where <cpu> can be any of: x86, x86_64, ia64,
                      arm, mips, sh
  {<targettype>}      build target type. Where <targettype> is any of the
                      values returned by macro variable ${hb_targettype}.
  {mt}                build target is multi-threaded (see -mt option)
  {st}                build target is single-threaded (see -st option)
  {gui}               GUI target (see -gui option)
  {std}               console target (see -console option)
  {debug}             C level debugging is enabled (see -debug option)
  {nodebug}           C level debugging is disabled (see -debug- option)
  {shared}            shared build (see -shared and related options)
  {static}            static build (see -static and related options)
  {lngcpp}            forced C++ mode (see -cpp option)
  {lngc}              forced C mode (see -cpp- option)
  {winuni}            Windows UNICODE (WIDE) mode (see -winuni option)
  {winansi}           Windows ANSI mode (see -winuni- option)
  {unix}              target platform is *nix compatible (bsd, hpux, sunos,
                      beos, qnx, android, vxworks, symbian, linux, darwin,
                      cygwin, minix, aix)
  {allwin}            target platform is Windows compatible (win, wce)
  {allgcc}            target C compiler belongs to gcc family (gcc, mingw,
                      mingw64, mingwarm, djgpp, gccomf, clang, open64, pcc)
  {allmingw}          target C compiler is mingw* (mingw, mingw64, mingwarm)
  {allmsvc}           target C compiler is msvc* (msvc, msvc64, msvcia64,
  {allbcc}            target C compiler is bcc* (bcc, bcc64)
  {allpocc}           target C compiler is pocc* (pocc, pocc64, poccarm)
  {allicc}            target C compiler is icc* (icc, iccia64)
  {hb10}              Harbour 1.0.x compatibility mode (see -hb10 option)
  {hb20}              Harbour 2.0.x compatibility mode (see -hb20 option)
  {hb30}              Harbour 3.0.x compatibility mode (see -hb30 option)
  {xhb}               xHarbour mode (see -xhb option)
                      filter will pass if <file> or <dir> name exists on disk.
  {MACRO}             filter will pass if ${MACRO} value is not empty and not
                      equal to '0' or 'no' (case insensitive)
  {MACRO='<value>'}   filter will pass if ${MACRO} value equals to <value>
                      (case insensitive).
  {MACRO>'<value>'}   filter will pass if ${MACRO} value is larger than <value>
                      (case insensitive).
  {MACRO<'<value>'}   filter will pass if ${MACRO} value is smaller than
                      <value> (case insensitive).

Predefined constants in sources:

                      when an .hb script is compiled as hbmk2 plugin
  __HBEXTREQ__        when an .hbx source file is present in a project
                      (available in Harbour sources)
  HBMK_HAS_<hbcname>  when <hbcname>.hbc package is linked to the build target.
                      The value is the version= value from the .hbc file,
                      converted to a decimal number, which is '1', if not
                      specified. (available in Harbour sources)
  HBMK_HAS_<depname>  when <depname> dependency was detected (available in C

                      when a Harbour source file is run as a shell script
  <standard Harbour>  __PLATFORM__*, __ARCH*BIT__, __*_ENDIAN__, etc.

Predefined constants in build files (they are available after
'-depfinish=<depname>' / 'depfinish=<depname>'):

  HBMK_HAS_<depname>  when <depname> dependency was detected
  HBMK_DIR_<depname>  return the header directory where <depname> was detected,
                      or empty if it was not.
                      when <depname> dependency was detected in a location
                      configured by -depincpathlocal= option

Examples to start with hbmk2:

  To run the interactive shell ('dot' prompt)
        $ hbmk2 .

  To run a Harbour script
        $ hbmk2 myscript.hb [<parameter[s]>]

Examples to build and run Harbour portable binary (aka precompiled Harbour

  To build
        $ hbmk2 -gh myscript.hb

  To run result of above
        $ hbmk2 myscript.hrb [<parameter[s]>]

Examples to build a Harbour application:

  To build one simple .prg
        $ hbmk2 hello.prg

  To build multiple .prg sources into one application in incremental mode
        $ hbmk2 mymain.prg myfuncs.prg -inc

  To build an application using a project file
        $ hbmk2 myapp.hbp

  To build an application using incremental mode
        $ hbmk2 myapp.hbp -inc

  To build an application which uses a contrib package or 3rd party (add-on)
  package that ships with an .hbc file
        $ hbmk2 myapp.prg hbct.hbc

  To build an application which uses a raw library
        $ hbmk2 myapp.prg -lmylib -L<path_to_mylib>

  To build an application which uses a Windows resource
        $ hbmk2 mymain.prg myres.rc

  To build an application which links against Harbour dynamic libraries
        $ hbmk2 -shared myapp.prg

  To build an application out of all .prg and .c sources residing in 'source'
        $ hbmk2 -omyapp src/*.prg src/*.c

Examples to build a Harbour static library:

  To build library 'mylib' from sources
        $ hbmk2 -hblib mylibsrc.prg -omylib

  To build library 'mylib' from sources using incremental mode
        $ hbmk2 -hblib mylibsrc.prg -omylib -inc

Exit statuses ("errorlevels"):

  0        no error
  1        unrecognized platform
  2        unrecognized compiler
  3        failed Harbour detection
  5        failed stub creation
  6        failed in compilation (Harbour, C compiler, Resource compiler)
  7        failed in final assembly (linker or library manager)
  8        unsupported
  9        failed to create working directory
  19       help
  10       dependency missing or disabled
  20       plugin initialization
  30       too deep nesting
  50       stop requested
  <other>  when -run option is used, the exit status will be the one returned
           by the target executable


  - <script> can be:
      <@script> or <script.hbm>: command-line options in file
      <script.hbp>: command-line options in file, it also marks a new build
    target if specified on the command-line
      <script.hbc>: package configuration file
  - Source filename without extension will load the .hbp file, if such .hbp
    file exists in current directory. If not, .prg extension will be used.
  - Multiple -l, -L, -i and <script> parameters are accepted.
  - Regular Harbour compiler options are also accepted as is.
    (see them with -harbourhelp option)
  - hbmk.hbc option file in hbmk2 directory is always processed if it exists.
    On *nix platforms ~/.harbour, /etc/harbour, <base>/etc/harbour, <base>/etc
    are checked (in that order) before the hbmk2 directory.
  - hbmk.hbm make script in current directory is always processed if it exists.
  - Using forwards slashes is recommended in option values as directory
    separator, but backslashes are also equally accepted.
  - Filters are accepted in each .hbc line and most options.
    Filters can be combined using '&' (and), '|' (or) operators, negated by '!'
    operator and grouped by parentheses. Ex.: {win}, {gcc}, {linux|darwin},
    {win&!pocc}, {(win|linux)&!watcom}, {unix&mt&gui}, -cflag={win}-DMYDEF,
    -stop{dos}, -stop{!allwin}
  - Most .hbc lines (libs=, hbcs=, prgflags=, cflags=, ldflags=, libpaths=,
    instfiles=, instpaths=, echo=) and corresponding command-line parameters
    will accept macro variables. libpaths= also accepts %{hb_name} which
    translates to the name of the .hbc file under search.
  - Options accepting macro variables also support command substitution.
    Enclose command inside ``, and, if the command contains space, also enclose
    in double quotes. Standard output of the command will be used as the value.
    F.e. "-cflag=`wx-config --cflags`", or ldflags={unix&gcc}"`wx-config
  - When multiple build target type selection options (-hblib, -hbdyn, etc.)
    are specified, the first one will be significant, the rest will be silently
  - Libraries and object files built with/for CA-Cl*pper will not work with any
    supported platform/compiler.
  - Defaults and feature support may vary by platform/compiler.
  - GNU Make or any C compiler specific make tool and MSYS (on Windows) are not
    needed to run hbmk2.
  - '.' (dot) passed as first parameter will enter the interactive Harbour

  - .hb, .hrb or .dbf file passed as first parameter will be run as Harbour
    script. If the filename contains no path components, it will be searched in
    current working directory and in PATH. If not extension is given, .hb and
    .hrb extensions are searched, in that order. .dbf file will be opened
    automatically in shared mode and interactive Harbour shell launched.
    Non-standard extensions will be auto-detected for source and precompiled
    script types. Note, for Harbour scripts, the codepage is set to UTF-8 by
    default. The default core header 'hb.ch' is automatically #included. The
    default date format is the ISO standard: yyyy-mm-dd. The default GT is
    'gtcgi', unless full-screen CUI calls are detected, when 'gtwin' [*] is
    automatically selected (except for INIT PROCEDUREs).
  - You can use key <Alt+V> in interactive Harbour shell to paste text from the
  - Values marked with [*] may be host platform and/or configuration dependent.
    This help was generated on 'win' host platform.

Supported <compiler> values for each supported <platform> value:

  linux    gcc, clang, icc, watcom, sunpro, open64
  darwin   gcc, clang, icc
  win      mingw, msvc, clang, bcc, bcc64, watcom, icc, pocc, xcc, mingw64,
           msvc64, msvcia64, iccia64, pocc64
  wce      mingwarm, mingw, msvcarm, poccarm
  os2      gcc, gccomf, watcom
  dos      djgpp, watcom
  bsd      gcc, clang, pcc
  hpux     gcc
  beos     gcc
  qnx      gcc
  android  gcc, gccarm, clang
  vxworks  gcc, diab
  symbian  gcc
  cygwin   gcc
  minix    clang, gcc
  aix      gcc
  sunos    gcc, sunpro


  Viktor Szakats (vszakats.net/harbour)          


Ing. Anton Lerchster
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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:27 am

Webinar 10 Sept 2024 - webview


Webinar 10 Sept 2024 - modHarbour and XRunner

regards, saludos

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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:50 am

Today webinar will be:

1. Migration from DBF to SQL (MySQL/MariaDB) Mr. Rao

2. Artificial Intelligence from Harbour and FWH, A.Linares

If we have time we will also include the Harbour preprocessor
regards, saludos

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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:06 am

webinar september 9 2024 Object Oriented Programming - Manu Expósito

regards, saludos

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Re: Harbour + FWH webinar today + Tuesday + Wednesday !!!

Postby FiveWiDi » Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:14 pm

Antonio Linares wrote:Today webinar will be:

1. Migration from DBF to SQL (MySQL/MariaDB) Mr. Rao

2. Artificial Intelligence from Harbour and FWH, A.Linares

If we have time we will also include the Harbour preprocessor

Hoy también toca "Firmado de archivos xml y archivos pdf, con certificados .p12" ?
Un Saludo
Carlos G.

FiveWin 24.02 + Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2403071241), BCC 7.7 Windows 10
Posts: 1134
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