nageswaragunupudi wrote:Noticed break in backward compatibility when you set HB_SELECT("PT850") and it will be restored.
No point keep testing.
The problem is only with PT850.
Users from other countries set codepage to ITWIN, ESWIN, TRWIN, etc.
All those codepages are ANSI codepages.
But PT850 is not an OEM codepage. Not an ANSI codepage. The problem arose because we treated PT850 also like we treated other HB_CDPSELECT() codepages.
Anyway, the backward compatibility is being restored soon and no more testing is required please.
Beloved master NAGES, that's what I wanted to know. Thank you very much. And I'm sorry for the inconvenience. You are fantastic!
Enrico, thank you very much for trying to help. Big hug to you both. My deepest respect.
Amado maestro NAGES, eso es lo que quería saber. Muchas gracias. Y lamento las molestias. ¡Eres fantástico!
Enrico, muchas gracias por intentar ayudar. Un abrazo grande para ambos. Mi más profundo respeto.
Gracias, tks.
Regards, saludos.