I'm trying to create an application that plays video in fullscreen mode. However the video class of my old version of xHarbour does not support video in fullscreen mode. Do I need to buy the latest xHarbour? Please help.
#include "FiveWin.ch"
function Main()
local oWnd, oActiveX
DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "FiveWin ActiveX Support"
oActiveX = TActiveX():New( oWnd, "MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1" )
oWnd:oClient = oActiveX // To fill the entire window surface
oActiveX:SetProp( "DisplaySize", 2 )
oActiveX:SetProp( "FileName", "trailler.avi" )
oActiveX:bOnEvent = { | event, aParams | EventInfo( event, aParams ) }
return nil
function EventInfo( event, aParams )
local cMsg := "Event: " + cValToChar( event ) + CRLF + CRLF
local n
cMsg += "Params: "
for n = 1 to Len( aParams )
cMsg += cValToChar( aParams[ n ] ) + CRLF
MsgInfo( cMsg )
return nil
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