by DanielPuente » Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:17 pm
The old ones version (version 15 for example) has multiline too, you only have to use a line height big enough and use +CRLF+ in the field specification.
aBrw:nLineHeight:= 29
From wbrowse.prg:
//38) Las Lineas, Footers y Headers, soportan MULTILINE, que esta dado por
// la separacion CRLF de la cadena respectiva. Se ajusta a centrado vertical,
// salvo que su alto supere el alto de celda, entoces, se ajustar al borde
// superior de celda.
// The lines, footers and headers supports multiline, using the CRLF separator with the character line. It adjusts centered vertically. If the height of the line is bigger than the cell height then it is adjusted to the top border of the cell.