I'm having a problem setting one specific property to an ocx I'm using. All else works just fine.
From the OCX guide, the property data type is described as:
VARIANT=> Variant type (C/C++ type OLEVARIANT, Delphi type OleVariant, VB
type Variant (default type))
...And can be assigned to the .AcmFormat property directly, e.g.:
ocx.AcmFormat = "31000100401f0000590600004100000002004001"
On my fwh code I'm assigning this way:
Code: Select all | Expand
cAcmString := "55000100c05d0000b80b0000010000000c00010002000000480001007105"
::oActiveX:SetProp( "AcmFormat", cAcmString )
But it does not seem to work. After the property has been set (with the code above), when quering it I get back Nil which is the default value before it is set.
Can anyone help with this one?