ADS wink link option

ADS wink link option

Postby giuliano » Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:19 am

Hi to all.
I'm using ADS Server and I have connected to a database another one with a link and the name of this link is "Second".
Using a table inside this Second link is possible with the command :
Select * from Second.Customers where city = 'Rome'
I'm trying to open the same table from the Use command and I have no success with it. The command Use("Second.Customers") is not working.
Is there some possibility to open a second table in this way ?
Thanks a lot.
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Postby R.F. » Thu Aug 02, 2007 4:03 pm

Simply use the table name:

USE customers shared new

And thats all, there's no issue opening the same database serveral times.
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Postby reinaldocrespo » Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:02 pm

To use Select statements you need to use a Data Dictionary. It is a great advantage to use a Data Dictionary. In the DD you declare the path to each file. The Select statment will work on the DD where you are currently connected to.

As a side note: using DD you can set dbf files and directories as read only or even hidden from all users except the user that owns the ADS daemon. This will allow your application to work perfectly while connected to the DD while it protects your dbfs/cdxs/ntxs from being accesible via windows explorer or a dos prompt or anything else. Great for data security. Files can not be copied, looked at, deleted...

I hope the first parragraph answers your question.

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