Me gustaria saber porqué en este código funcionan bien los tabs cuando le quitamos a la ventana principal "MDI"
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// Testing new FiveWin Tabs !!!
#include ""
#include ""
#define COLOR_BTNFACE 15
static oWnd,oMsgBar,item1,item2
function Main()
local oTabs
DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Testing FiveWin Tabs" ;
FROM 3, 3 TO 14, 30 MDI ;
@ 8, 0 TABS oTabs PROMPTS "&One", "&Two", "T&hree", "&Four" OF oWnd ;
ACTION (oWnd:Say( 5, 5, oTabs:nOption ),msginfo("Changing. . ."))
//oWnd:oBottom = oTabs
define message oMsgBar of oWnd prompt alltrim("HELLO") keyboard date time
define msgitem item1 of oMsgBar prompt "Usuario: " size 380 COLOR rgb(0,0,0),rgb(252,190,29)
define msgitem item2 of oMsgBar prompt "Nivel Seguridad: " size 200 COLOR rgb(45,68,144),rgb(255,255,255)
ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd on resize ajustatab(oTabs,oWnd)
return nil
function ajustatab(oTabs,oWnd)
oTabs:nTop:=oWnd:nHeight - 100
return nil
Muchas gracias de antemano.