About a month ago several people were noting the need for a Calendar control in their applications. Although DTPICKER provides a good popup for a date field, the idea was to post a calendar onto a dialog that would remain on display.
Actually, in the \FWH\Samples there is a calendar.prg & .rc that can be modified quite nicely to do the job. Using FW Harbour's bitmap controls and expanding the size of the dialog can result in a useable date selection control that can coexist with other data very nicely.
I have a Scheduler program that incoporates a lot of data in addition to just the date. It is used for automotive repair so it attaches to a vehicle, client, and estimate. It incorporates a beginning and end time and a work area. This is all handled well with normal FWH ( 7.12 ) and xHarbour.
The original Calendar was written by Tom Waldon for 16 bit Clipper. I'd be happy to share the samples of my very simply modified controls with Antonio because they are derived from the distributed work of FWH, or if he wishes, I can post a link for their download.
This is not a stand alone control ! It is simply FWH code that can be included in your own project if you have a need. It is used within a resource (.rc) file and can be included as part of an existing dialog, or as the base to create a dialog.
If appropriate, I'm sure this snippet could be upgraded quite nicely.