by nageswaragunupudi » Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:05 pm
Here is a reproduction of the problem faced by Mr. Maurilio, also by our users at times.
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
#include ''
#include ''
function main()
local ownd, obrw, ocol, adata := {}, n
for n := 1 to 50
aadd( adata, { str(n,3), replicate( chr(64+n), 20 ) } )
next n
define window ownd
obrw := txbrowse():new( ownd )
obrw:setarray( adata )
obrw:acols[1]:cheader := 'No'
obrw:acols[2]:cheader := 'details'
ownd:oclient := obrw
activate window ownd
return nil
The problem occurs when the total number of rows is not a multiple of the data rows of the browse. if not adjust the size of window so that the number of total rows is not a multiple of datarows.
Go bottom with CtrlEnd or CtrlPgDn. Keep pressing PgUp till the row number is less than the number of data rows. Now we see the problem.
Here is the screen shot.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India