byte-one wrote:Hello,
is there a way for xBrowse to edit one column in an row and in another row editing from the same column is not allowed? There is no bWhen or so!?
Any ideas?
I too feel the need for bWhen block. We may decide if the column is to be edited or not depending on the other values. We can not always manage it with bChange. I too join to request Mr Antonio to provide bWhen for edits.
the picture z.B. "@E ##.#"
In my tests I found that the picture clause is working in both edits and normal display.
This is my test code
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
oCol:cHeader := "Value"
oCol:bStrData := { || Transform( aData[ oBrw:nArrayAt ][ 2 ], cPic ) }
oCol:bEditValue := { || aData[ oBrw:nArrayAt ][ 2 ] }
oCol:cEditPicture := cPic
oCol:nEditType := 1
oCol:bOnPostEdit := { | oCol, nVal, nKey | if( nKey == 13, aData[ oBrw:nArrayAt ][ 2] := nVal, ) }
oCol:nDataStrAlign := oCol:nHeadStrAlign := AL_RIGHT
I am using FWH 8.01, xHarbour 1.1.0, bcc55.