You are probably using gedit to write / edit your source code.
I figured that there are probably some ways to make this a better environment. Antonio has already shown how you can build your application from within gedit. I figured that the default syntax highlighting wasn't exactly what I wanted. (What I have been using is the C style syntax highlighting which I get by default for my .prg files once they have been saved once (and thus have a known file extension = type).
I haven't fully understood everything about this but I have started editing my c.lang file (in /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs) and whilst some things I have tried to do aren't working yet. I'm finding it a help.
Maybe someone knows of an xBase pption for gedit (and I can save my time) - if so please let me know.
If not maybe someone(s) want to help getting gedit so that it better suits us?
My modifications to date are:
Code: Select all | Expand
<!-- Keywords -->
<context id="keywords" style-ref="keyword">
<keyword>BEGIN SEQUENCE</keyword>
<keyword>DO CASE</keyword>
<keyword>DO WHILE</keyword>
<keyword>FOR EACH</keyword>
<keyword>OVERRIDE PARAMETERS</keyword>
<keyword>WITH OBJECT</keyword>
<keyword>DEFINE DIALOG</keyword>
<context id="types" style-ref="type">
<context id="storage-class" style-ref="storage-class">
<context id="common-defines" style-ref="common-defines">
<!-- C99 booleans -->
<context id="boolean" style-ref="boolean">
Note that some things aren't working ( eg @, .T., .F. - probably need regular expressions somewhere? Only some keywords included in list. Assignment to the various styles probably not optimal - style choices still the original C ones. Don't want to have to overwrite C style - want to be able to pick up an xBase one and create proper file type recognition in Linux.