FIVEWIN power - a room planer video

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Planning of Equipment

Post by ukoenig »

Hello Rimantas,

Why not have a look at A-Plan ?
There is everything you need ( price 180.-- Euro )
and saves months, maybe years of programming-time.
There is a english version as well.

What is A-Plan ?
A-Plan for Windows is an easy to learn and inexpensive
planning software which is suitable not only for project and
resource planning but also for creating bar charts
and for scheduling tasks.
With its outstanding flexibility,
A-Plan is a genuine alternative to conventional
project management software which is often found
to be too complex for a given application,
thus requiring extensive time to get familiar with the program.

Due to its ease of use and its multi-purpose approach,
the concept of A-Plan for Windows is unique.

At the same time, its flexibility makes A-Plan for Windows
good choice for tasks other than project planning as well,
as for example:


resource and capacity planning
cost planning
task management
assignment of rooms and buildings !!!!!!!!!!!! Otto
resource allocation and staff management !!!!!!!!!!!! Otto


A-Plan for Windows has existed since 1992.
It won several awards and is now used by
approx. 75,000 licensed users.
------------------------- !!!

A-Plan for Windows was developed in close contact with users.
As a result, approx. 80 % of the current program features are based on requests made by users.

Best Regards

Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Post by Silvio »

I have a Planner class 32 bit but I not send the source code ( only lib)
because it have problems and we are working to resolve it
But if you want use it for a hotel planner it run ok

SCREEN Preview ... n.JPG.html
Last edited by Silvio on Tue May 27, 2008 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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Post by Silvio »

IF U want informations write to private email
to call the control it is easy
See the sample job

This is my Tagenda class

U can set the time

U can set one day, 5 days, or a week

U can set the color

it use only one dbf

easy to use
Best Regards, Saludos

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Re: Planning of Equipment

Post by Rimantas »

ukoenig wrote:Hello Rimantas,

Why not have a look at A-Plan ?
There is everything you need ( price 180.-- Euro )
and saves months, maybe years of programming-time.
There is a english version as well.


Uwe ,

Maybe it's a good solution , but if exist a class and source in FWH - it's a better solution than A-Plan ... :) And if install A-Plan in a big enterprise network where that will use 20-30 users that - the price will be not 180 Eur...

With best regards !
Rimantas U.
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Post by reinaldocrespo »


I can't find the source you make referece to. I'd like to see what kind of visual controls you are using. Specially the control being used to post host's names. Thank you.

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Post by Otto »

Hello Reinaldo,

I don’t use a control to print the hosts names on the screen.
Sometimes I have more than 600 names on one screen. I tried with say objects but so many handles and objects cause stability problems.
Keep in mind that the planer is open 24 hours a day.

I use oWnd:Say(). As say does not let you pass the length I do something like this

while oWndPlan:GetWidth(text,::planFont) < nDurationPX
n = n + 1
text := padr( (cChartCaption) ,n)
n = n - 1
IF n=0
text := "<"
oWndPlan:say( nCurRow, ende - oWndPlan:GetWidth( " >", ::planFont), " >", ::nClrForeChart,::nClrBackChart, ::planFont(), .T.)
oWndPlan:say( nCurRow, StartPX, text ,::nClrForeChart,::nClrBackChart,::planFont,.T.)

I print in 3 parts first “<” then “>” and then the text between.

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James Bott
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Post by James Bott »


>I print in 3 parts first “<” then “>” and then the text between.

Here is another idea to increase the speed. Eliminate the <>. I'm not sure what they add to the display and you could use the extra two characters for the name. If you eliminate them you reduce the calls to oWnd:say() by 2/3.

If you really want the <> then how about building one string:

cText:= "<" + cText +">"

Then making one call to oWnd:say().

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Post by Otto »

James, this does not work.
The do while gets the length only approximately. The “<” and “ >” you need to make a fix length of the period.
I also tried with ownd:Box and a brush but after a certain time then the program crashes and speed is much slower than if I do it this way.

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Post by James Bott »


OK, but couldn't you could still do:

cText:= "<"+cText

Then display the > separately. This still reduces the calls to oWnd:say() by one third.

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Post by James Bott »


>I also tried with ownd:Box and a brush but after a certain time then the program crashes and speed is much slower than if I do it this way.

This is a sign of a memory leak. Were you ending the brush each time? If not, then that was probably the problem.

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Post by Otto »

Yes James, you are right.

I explained it wrong in my post.
As you see there are only 2 ownd:Say().
The code is like that:
First I check if the Arrival is later or before the startdate of the grid. If it is later I add a <.

if dArrival >= sdOffsetDate //sdOffsetDate = Startdatum für grafischen Z immerplan
cChartCaption := "<" + cChartCaption
cChartCaption := cChartCaption

while oWndPlan:GetWidth(text,::planFont) < nDurationPX
n = n + 1
text := padr( (cChartCaption) ,n)

Thank you for your help.
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Post by reinaldocrespo »

Ok. I follow. But I also noticed that you can drag the length of the Say control to span over a few days by "grabbing" any of the two ends. right?
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Post by Silvio »

Dear friends,
If U wait we can sale our sources class tplan to all to low price but I want know who is interested really....
We send source class but not c source files because are part of our job.
Best Regards, Saludos

Falconi Silvio
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Post by Otto »

Hello Reinaldo,

oWindPlan:bLClicked := { |y,x,flags | }

here I look if the click is on a say label in the clickzone
if yes I set a flag and paint with oWnd:say() the yellow mark

if oWindPlan:bMMoved dedects the flag
I paint FillRect.
FillRect starts at the beginning of the label the end is whith the mouse x value.
I paint a new say over the existing level.

If I shorten the booking I paint a second FillRect in the color
of the plans background.

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Re: FIVEWIN power - a room planer video

Post by Otto »

Hello Friends,
Today, I wanted to continue programming the room plan with mod harbour and complete the module.

I am using a purchased component.
However, it's challenging to switch to something pre-made when you've been using your own component for the plan since 1995.

The pre-made components have a lot of overhead. There's also a learning curve, and you always need something that is not supported.

Therefore, I've decided to program the plan myself.
The room plan itself is not very demanding.

The data is now being read from a DBF file, just like in my desktop application.
A JSON is created. And then I draw the plan. Just HTML and Javascript.
Best regards,

mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web
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