Download stock quote file from yahoo

Download stock quote file from yahoo

Postby thuc18 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:56 am

:( Pls help, want to download quotes.csv file from


with thanks
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Postby Rochinha » Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:39 am

Try this,

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

Function Main()

local ws:=TdWebService():new()
? ws:OpenWS("")

return nil

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""

static xdll
CLASS TdWebService
     DATA hOpen
     DATA sbuffer HIDDEN

     METHOD New(buffersize) CONSTRUCTOR

     METHOD OpenWS(url)

     METHOD End()
METHOD New(conexion,buffersize) CLASS TdWebService
DEFAULT buffersize:=64000
   ::hOpen = InternetOpen("TdWebService", 1,,, 0)
METHOD OpenWS(url) CLASS TdWebService
local hFile,ret,xml
   hFile = InternetOpenUrl(::hOpen, url,"",0,,0)
   InternetReadFile(hFile, @xml, ::sbuffer, @Ret)
return subst(alltrim(xml),1,len(alltrim(xml))-5)
METHOD End() CLASS TdWebService
return nil

DLL32 FUNCTION InternetOpen( cApp as LPSTR, n1 AS DWORD, n2 AS LPSTR, n3 AS LPSTR,;
                             n4 AS DWORD ) AS LONG PASCAL ;
                             FROM "InternetOpenA" LIB xdll
Dll32 Function InternetReadFile(hFile As 7, @sBuffer As 8, lNumBytesToRead As 7, @lNumberOfBytesRead As 7) As 7 PASCAL Lib xdll
Dll32 Function InternetOpenUrl(hInternetSession As 7, lpszUrl As 8, lpszHeaders As 8, dwHeadersLength As 7, dwFlags As 7, dwContext As 7) As 7 FROM "InternetOpenUrlA" PASCAL Lib xdll
DLL32 FUNCTION InternetCloseHandle( hSession AS LONG ) AS BOOL PASCAL LIB xdll
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Postby thuc18 » Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:15 pm

Thanks Rochinha,
When I complied it produced a lot of error (FWH 7.12/xharbour 1.1.0) such as "parse error at 'hOpen' " , 'sBuffer' etc...
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Postby Rochinha » Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:59 pm


Try now:
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

static xDLL // Need to TdWebService
static oGet,oSay

Function Main()
   local ws:=TdWebService():new()
   ? ws:OpenWS("")
return nil

CLASS TdWebService
     DATA hOpen
     DATA sbuffer HIDDEN

     METHOD New(buffersize) CONSTRUCTOR

     METHOD OpenWS(url)

     METHOD End()

METHOD New(conexion,buffersize) CLASS TdWebService
   DEFAULT buffersize:=64000
   ::hOpen = InternetOpen("TdWebService", 1,,, 0)
   RETURN Self

METHOD OpenWS(url) CLASS TdWebService
   local hFile,ret,xml
   hFile = InternetOpenUrl(::hOpen, url,"",0,,0)
   InternetReadFile(hFile, @xml, ::sbuffer, @Ret)
   return subst(alltrim(xml),1,len(alltrim(xml))-5)

METHOD End() CLASS TdWebService
   return nil

DLL32 FUNCTION InternetOpen( cApp as LPSTR, n1 AS DWORD, n2 AS LPSTR, n3 AS LPSTR,;
                             n4 AS DWORD ) AS LONG PASCAL ;
                             FROM "InternetOpenA" LIB xdll
Dll32 Function InternetReadFile(hFile As 7, @sBuffer As 8, lNumBytesToRead As 7, @lNumberOfBytesRead As 7) As 7 PASCAL Lib xdll
Dll32 Function InternetOpenUrl(hInternetSession As 7, lpszUrl As 8, lpszHeaders As 8, dwHeadersLength As 7, dwFlags As 7, dwContext As 7) As 7 FROM "InternetOpenUrlA" PASCAL Lib xdll
DLL32 FUNCTION InternetCloseHandle( hSession AS LONG ) AS BOOL PASCAL LIB xdll
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Postby thuc18 » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:34 am

Still get the same error messages. Are we use the same version . I also use FWH 7.12. Thanks again.
xHarbour Compiler build 1.1.0 (SimpLex)
Copyright 1999-2007,
Compiling 'quote.prg'...
quote.prg(9) Error E0016 Syntax error: '?'
quote.prg(14) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at 'HOPEN'"
quote.prg(15) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at 'SBUFFER'"
quote.p?rg(16) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at 'XDLL'"
quote.prg(18) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at 'NEW'"
quote.prg(20) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at 'OPENWS'"
quote.prg(22) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at 'END'"
quote.prg(23) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at 'TO'"
quote.prg(26) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at 'BUFFERSIZE'"
quote.prg(32) Error E0019 #error: 'Method "OpenWS(url)" not declared in class: TdWebService'
quote.prg(39) Error E0019 #error: 'Method "End()" not declared in class: TdWebService'
quote.prg(46) Error E0030 Syntax error: "parse error at 'FUNCTION'"
12 errors

No code generated
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Postby James Bott » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:24 am


You should not be getting these errors--they are standard FW commands.

Perhaps your program is not finding the file? Are you using buildx.bat to compile? Maybe you have an extra line feed somewhere in your code?

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James Bott
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Postby Otto » Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:17 am

Rochinha, thank you for the code.
May I put the sample on

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Postby thuc18 » Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:25 am

It works now. when I pasted source code from here to Word then convert to text file somehow it had some invisible chr which compiler not like it.
Thank Rochinha for the code and James for hints :D
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Postby Rochinha » Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:57 am


Put this code:
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

static xDLL // Need to TdWebService
static oGet,oSay

Function Main()
   local oDlg,oFont,WhatQuote:=space(50)
   local cResult := "Samples:" + CRLF + CRLF + "IBM" + CRLF + "MSFT+NO.TO" + CRLF + "DOW+MSFT+IBM"
   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Push Quotes from Yahoo Finance" FROM 00,00 to 23,80 FONT oFont
          @ 0.6,01 say "Get Quotes: " of oDlg
          @ 0.5,5.5 get oGet var WhatQuote pict "@!" of oDlg
          @ 0.3,43 button "Push" size 44,12 of oDlg ACTION Consulta(WhatQuote)
          @ 02,01 to 12,44 LABEL "Resultado da pesquisa" of oDlg
          @ 2.5,2.2 say oSay var cResult size 290,125 of oDlg color nRGB(255,0,0),getsyscolor(15)
   return nil

Function Consulta(WhatQuote)
   local ws:=TdWebService():new()
   cQuotes := ws:OpenWS(""+WhatQuote+"&f=snl1d1t1ohgdr")
   oSay:settext( cQuotes )
   return nil

//static xdll
CLASS TdWebService
     DATA hOpen
     DATA sbuffer HIDDEN

     METHOD New(buffersize) CONSTRUCTOR

     METHOD OpenWS(url)

     METHOD End()

METHOD New(conexion,buffersize) CLASS TdWebService
   DEFAULT buffersize:=64000
   ::hOpen = InternetOpen("TdWebService", 1,,, 0)
   RETURN Self

METHOD OpenWS(url) CLASS TdWebService
   local hFile,ret,xml
   hFile = InternetOpenUrl(::hOpen, url,"",0,,0)
   InternetReadFile(hFile, @xml, ::sbuffer, @Ret)
   return subst(alltrim(xml),1,len(alltrim(xml))-5)

METHOD End() CLASS TdWebService
   return nil

DLL32 FUNCTION InternetOpen( cApp as LPSTR, n1 AS DWORD, n2 AS LPSTR, n3 AS LPSTR,;
                             n4 AS DWORD ) AS LONG PASCAL ;
                             FROM "InternetOpenA" LIB xdll
Dll32 Function InternetReadFile(hFile As 7, @sBuffer As 8, lNumBytesToRead As 7, @lNumberOfBytesRead As 7) As 7 PASCAL Lib xdll
Dll32 Function InternetOpenUrl(hInternetSession As 7, lpszUrl As 8, lpszHeaders As 8, dwHeadersLength As 7, dwFlags As 7, dwContext As 7) As 7 FROM "InternetOpenUrlA" PASCAL Lib xdll
DLL32 FUNCTION InternetCloseHandle( hSession AS LONG ) AS BOOL PASCAL LIB xdll

Note: The credits for de TWebService Class is not for me.
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