Estoy tratando de pasar programas de 16 bits a 32 bits, y me encuentro con algunos problemas.
Entre ellos estas funciones de FUNCKY-II (16 bits):
Name: dec2hex() - convert decimal value to hexadecimal string
Usage: <string> = dec2hex(<integer>)
Params: an integer in the range 0 - 65535
Returns: a string containing the hexadecimal representation of
the integer passed.
Name: shr() - bitwise shift right of a number
Usage: shr(<int>,<number>)
Params: integer <int> - number to shift, not greater then 65535
integer <number> number of shifts, not greater than 255
Returns: integer equal to the bitwise shr of <int> and <number>
Name: feof() - see if the file pointer is at the end of file
Usage: <logical> = feof(<handle>)
Params: integer <handle> - handle from a previous fopen()
Returns: logical .T. if file pointer is at the beginning of the
file, .F. if it is not
Name: bin2num() - convert 16/8 bit binary string to integer
Usage: <integer> = bin2num(<binstr>)
Params: string <binstr> - a string of 16 or 8 ones and zeros
that form a binary byte or word.
A binary string has the format where a "1" signifies
that the bit is on, and "0" signifies bit is off:
"0001110000111100" or "00111001"
Returns: An integer equal to the decimal value of the binary
string that was sent.
Name: byte2bin() - convert byte value to 8 bit binary string
Usage: <string> = byte2bin(<integer>)
Params: an integer in the range of 0 - 255
Returns: a string filled with ones and zeros representing the
the bit settings that form the binary equivalent of the
integer sent
Name: and() - bitwise and of two numbers
Usage: <integer> = and(<int>,<number>)
Params: integer <int> - number to and, not greater then 65535
integer <number> number to and <int> with
Returns: integer equal to the bitwise and of <int> and <number>
Teniendo en cuenta que las Funcky 6.0 NO traen librerias ".LIB" (o no las he encontrado), como lo hago.
Es decir busco las omonimas en FW+xHARBOUR pero de 32 bits.