IF Empty( cText )
Antonio Linares wrote:No, just one char.
But you could use StrTran() to replace CRLFs into ";" or similar
function CountCrLf(cStr)
local num := 1, nret := 0
// Desc: Count the no. of occurences of CRLF (Each line is terminated with a CRLF)
// AtNum() is a function from ct.lib.
do while atnum(CRLF, cStr, num++) != 0
return nRet
#include "FiveWin.ch"
function Main()
local a := Array( 1000000 ), n
local nStep1 := GetTickCount(), nStep2, nStep3
AEval( a, { || Date() } )
nStep2 = GetTickCount()
for n = 1 to 1000000
nStep3 = GetTickCount()
MsgInfo( "AEval() ..." + Str( nStep2 - nStep1 ) + CRLF + ;
"for next ... " + Str( nStep3 - nStep2 ) )
return nil
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