The data is recorded on mysql in lower case, but when xbrowse displaying, it's on upper case.
Why? How I can put this data on lower case?
oBrwSis := TXBrowse():new( oFolder:aDialogs[1] )
:lHeader := .F.
:lFooter := .F.
:lRecordSelector := .F.
:aCols[2]:nWidth := 200
:aCols[3]:nWidth := 200
:aCols[4]:nWidth := 450
nageswaragunupudi wrote:In the above code, where did you inform the xbrowse what object to browse and what columns to browse? In the absense of any information xbrowse by default browses the default workarea ( of the dbfs open ).
Is it the full code for constructing the browse?
oBrwSis := TXBrowse():new( oFolder:aDialogs[1] )
:nMarqueeStyle := 4
:nRowDividerStyle := 4
:nColDividerStyle := 4
:lColDividerComplete := .F.
:lAllowRowSizing := .F.
:lAllowSizing := .T.
:bKeyCount := {|| 1 }
:lHeader := .F.
:lFooter := .F.
:lRecordSelector := .F.
:aCols[2]:nWidth := 200
:aCols[3]:nWidth := 200
:aCols[4]:nWidth := 450
:l2007 := .F.
nageswaragunupudi wrote:before setrdd(), please write :cAlias := <thealiasyouwanttobrowse>
Please always do that every time we define a browse, because at runtime we dont know what will be the default workarea.
Please specify your work area and see the result
Are you using any RDD for MySql, like ADORDD ? If you are using some other library to read mysql data, SetRDD does not work
nageswaragunupudi wrote:Then please specify oBrw:cAlias := <alias> and try.
Also check the actual value ready by rdd by msginfo( <samealis>->chave )
By the way I would like to download and see the demo version of sqllib for borland
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