Dear Otto,
First, you have to remove CBS_SORT from the RC or the order in the aItems array is not the same as the displayed in the combobox.
Second, besides James suggestion to set oCbx:lIncSearch := .T., you have to set this line:
Code: Select all | Expand
REDEFINE COMBOBOX oCbx VAR cItem ITEMS aItems ; ID 110 OF oDlg ; ON CHANGE ( oSayItem:cTitle := oCbx:GetText() ) ; VALID ( MsgBeep(), .t. ) oCbx:lIncSearch := .T. oCbx:oGet:bKeyChar = { | nKey | oCbx:KeyChar( nKey ) }
As you are using a CBS_DROPDOWN (that uses a GET) instead of a CBS_DROPDOWNLIST (that does not uses a GET).
With these changes, your example is working fine here