To Antonio: help with xBrowse (newbie question)

To Antonio: help with xBrowse (newbie question)

Postby HunterEC » Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:12 pm


First of all, your xBrowse class is great ! I'm looking for a complete description of all its methods and data. I'd looked at the FiveWin/manual folder, under classes (TXBrowse & TXBrwColumn) but where can I get the syntax for @ row,col XBROWSE command ?
Is there an example(s) under the samples folder where I can see all options most common options in use ? Thank you.
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Re: To Antonio: help with xBrowse (newbie question)

Postby frose » Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:03 am

Hello HunterEC,

I'm in a comparable situation and I think there is no documentation :(

For me it is the right way to
    search the forum with terms like 'XBROWSE', 'oCol:', etc.
    search the path '..\samples\..'
    study the source file ..\source\classes\xbrowse.prg

Perhaps the source file is the best documentation: In the class declaration you find the DATA part with all parameters and often a comment, e. g. 'bStrData,; // String data codeblock (returns a string)'. You can set or refence them with oBrw:<ParameterName>. And of course the METHOD part with all methods you can call, e. g. the constructor method: 'New( oBrw ) // Creates a new instance of the class'.

Sometimes comments are missing, respectively are very short, but you can use the name of the parameter or method as a search term :)

Example for 'bLClickFooter' -> ..\samples\testxbrw.prg
Example for 'HeaderHeight' -> ..\samples\testhead.prg

Further on, I stored all interesting threads, samples, own notices and other issues - not only things regarding TXBrowse - in a word file, to reflect them later on.

Here is an extract of the TXBrowse part:

XBrowse alternating row colors: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9711
Why Some Browses with ADS are slow? viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9343
Incremental lookup in a browse: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15182

..\samples\testxbr2 … 6.prg
XBrowse with many Features (testxbr3.prg)
XBrowse Vertical Fonts and selected Rows (testxbr5.prg)
xBrowse with folders (foldxbrw.prg)
Switch aliases (xbrwalia.prg)
xBrowse with categories – TreeBrowse (xbrwdisk.prg)
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Re: To Antonio: help with xBrowse (newbie question)

Postby ukoenig » Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:57 am


did You try the xBrowse-Tools ( search for posts inside the Forum ) ?
With the Tools You can test the different settings and You get the Source as well.
Gradient in Header and Footer, Brushes, Styles, Cells, Background and more.
It is a good overview of the xBrowse-settings.
The preview-window shows all results of Your tests at Runtime.
Because I updated to FWH-9.04, I'm busy on a new release of the tools with some new options.

Download :

You can find some posts in the forum like :


Uwe :lol:
Last edited by ukoenig on Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: To Antonio: help with xBrowse (newbie question)

Postby frose » Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:58 pm

Hello Uwe,

excuse me that I've forgotten to mention your tool, though I've found and download the version 3a on last friday!

After first try,I'm convinced that your tool is very helpful to find the right syntax for all the xBrowse features and to design the different colors, thank you very much for this tool.
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Re: To Antonio: help with xBrowse (newbie question)

Postby ukoenig » Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:08 pm

Hello Frank,

Please update Your old downloaded version 3a
to the relevant one with the download-link in this post.

Download :

Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
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