Size of tooltipps

Size of tooltipps

Postby Dietmar Jahnel » Sat May 02, 2009 5:09 pm

I think the sizes of the tooltips can use a little adjustment.

tooltip with header:

Code: Select all  Expand view  RUN
ssay2:cToolTip = {+ CRLF + "Zeitschrift: ecolex 2001, 84;" + OemToAnsi("  ™JZ EvBl 2001/18");
                  + CRLF + "Entscheidungssammlung: SZ 71/89;  VfSlg 15510";
                  + CRLF + "OGH-Rechtssatznummer: RS0122393";
                  + CRLF + OemToAnsi("Fundstellenliste: Anklicken des Pfeiles rechts!") , OemToAnsi("Suche nach Fundstellen in Publikationen:")}

The balloon is too big:

Same without header:
Code: Select all  Expand view  RUN
fuGet:cToolTip = "Zeitschrift: ecolex 2001, 84;" + OemToAnsi("  ™JZ EvBl 2001/18");
                  + CRLF + "Entscheidungssammlung: SZ 71/89;  VfSlg 15510";
                  + CRLF + "OGH-Rechtssatznummer: RS0122393";
                  + CRLF + OemToAnsi("Fundstellenliste: Anklicken des Pfeiles rechts!")

A little bit too narrow:

Can we change the size-calculation?
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Dietmar Jahnel
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Re: Size of tooltipps

Postby Otto » Sat May 02, 2009 7:52 pm

From Antonio to a similar question:


This FWH tooltips enhancement was implemented back in March 2008. From whatsnew.txt:
* Enhancement: Tooltips can now have user defined header, icon and colors, by specifying the tooltip as an array in the format { cToolTipText, [cHeader, [nIcon]], [nForeColor], [nBackColor] }. If the tooltip is specified as a codeblock, it can evaluate to a character value or an array.

Surely this can improve your tooltips very much regards, saludos
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Re: Size of tooltipps

Postby Otto » Sat May 02, 2009 8:12 pm


you could also try to add

SendMessage(hWnd, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0,300 )

in METHOD ShowToolTip of window class.

Best regards,
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