New FWPPC build with dialogboxes from source code creation!

New FWPPC build with dialogboxes from source code creation!

Postby Antonio Linares » Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:18 am

There is a new FWPPC build with dialogboxes from source code creation support (without using resources). You may already download it. Please review samples\TestDlg.prg sample. Warning: has changed.
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#include ""

function Main()

   local oDlg, cText := "Hello world!   "

   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Source code Dialog" ;
      SIZE 200, 100
   @ 0.7, 2 SAY "Name:" SIZE 18, 10
   @ 1, 4 GET cText SIZE 50, 10
   @ 1.8, 6 BUTTON "End" ACTION oDlg:End() SIZE 30, 10

      ON CLICK MsgInfo( "click!" ) ;
      VALID MsgYesNo( "want to end ?" )
return nil

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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