Some progress. I am able to get to entry point 1
My msginfo from test1 in the dll is displayed, however there is no data being displayed in it.
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************************** Test 5 Hello World 2
function test5()
local cr:=chr(13)
HbDLLEntry3( "TEST1", "TESTA", "testb" )
MsgInfo( "OK! We are back to the EXE." )
return nil
In my maindll.c
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LONG PASCAL _export HBDLLENTRY3( char * cProcName, char * cText1, char * cText2 )
PHB_ITEM pItem1 = hb_itemPutC( NULL, cText1 );
PHB_ITEM pItem2 = hb_itemPutC( NULL, cText2 );
MessageBox( 0, "Point 1", "1", 0 );
hb_itemDoC( cProcName, 2, pItem1, pItem2, 0 );
hb_itemRelease( pItem1 );
hb_itemRelease( pItem2 );
return 0;
Code in dll2test.prg
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function Test1( cMsg1, cMsg2 )
MsgInfo( cMsg1, cMsg2 )
return nil