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Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:15 pm
by Peterg
Possibly but i am not that good at sql. Any ideas wher eot look


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:15 pm
by Antonio Linares

You should use AND and OR in your SQL statement and your SQL server will optimize it to solve it as fast as possible

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:37 pm
by James Bott

>select * from skippric
where site_id = mSiteID and sp_custno = mcustacc and uniq_nbr = mUniwnbr and sp_contype = mContainer and sp_waste = mWaste and

Isn't the above going to return a recordset? Are all possible matches in this recordset? If not, then can you loosen up the query to include all possible matches?

>but if this fails then it should test for all other combinations until there is nothing left to test.

What do you mean by other combinations? When is a record acceptable?


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 1:42 pm
by Peterg
The result should only return one record which should be the best match

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 2:06 pm
by James Bott


But when you are using something like the above, it would seem there could be multiple records with that criteria.

How do you define a best match?

What is an acceptable match, and what isn't? I.E. which criteria are musts, and which are not?

I am having a hard time grasping what you are doing. I have done some complex pricing schemes before but they were all either matching or not matching; I have never done a best match pricing.


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 4:08 pm
by Peterg
I have created the following stored procedure which works but is just as slow as 32 seeks

Any ideas

Use iwscompa

IF OBJECT_ID ('usp_find_price') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE usp_find_price

CREATE PROCEDURE usp_find_price
@mSite numeric(2),
@mCustType varchar(10),
@mCustNbr varchar(10),
@mUniqNbr varchar(10),
@mContainer varchar(10),
@mWaste varchar(10),
@mArea varchar(10),
@mDisposer varchar(10),
@mEffective datetime,
@result numeric (10)
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
(uniq_nbr = @mUniqNbr or uniq_nbr is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
(uniq_nbr = @mUniqNbr or uniq_nbr is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
(uniq_nbr = @mUniqNbr or uniq_nbr is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
(uniq_nbr = @mUniqNbr or uniq_nbr is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
(uniq_nbr = @mUniqNbr or uniq_nbr is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0
IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
(uniq_nbr = @mUniqNbr or uniq_nbr is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
(uniq_nbr = @mUniqNbr or uniq_nbr is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
(uniq_nbr = @mUniqNbr or uniq_nbr is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custno = @mCustNbr or sp_custno is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custype = @mCustType or sp_custype is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custype = @mCustType or sp_custype is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custype = @mCustType or sp_custype is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custype = @mCustType or sp_custype is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custype = @mCustType or sp_custype is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custype = @mCustType or sp_custype is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custype = @mCustType or sp_custype is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
(sp_custype = @mCustType or sp_custype is null) and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0
IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0
IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_waste = @mWaste or sp_waste is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0
IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_region = @mArea or sp_region is null) and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0
IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0
IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
(sp_dispsit = @mDisposer or sp_dispsit is null) and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
ELSE Return 0

IF @result = 0
SET @result = (SELECT sr_recno from skippric
where site_id = @msite and
sp_contain = @mContainer and
sp_effdate <= @mEffective and
(sp_deldate >= @mEffective or sp_deldate is null))
RETURN @result

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:24 pm
by Peterg
Hi all
I have recoded the function using arrays to store the seek definition and then a series of IF/THEN conditions to test each of the seek definitions prior to actually seeking in the table.

This has resulted in an 8 fold increase in speed and is now as fast in sql as it was in dbf (and of course it is now 8 times faster in dbf)

Many thanks for all of your help and pointing me in the direction of arrays


Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:31 am
by Roger Seiler
You're welcome. Glad it works for you. :D