Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
#define xtpControlError 0
#define xtpControlButton 1
#define xtpControlPopup 2
#define xtpControlButtonPopup 3
#define xtpControlSplitButtonPopup 4
#define xtpControlComboBox 5
#define xtpControlEdit 6
#define xtpControlCustom 7
#define xtpControlLabel 8
#define xtpControlCheckBox 9
#define xtpControlGallery 10
#define xtpControlRadioButton 11
#define xtpImageNormal 0
#define xtpImageDisabled 1
#define xtpImageHot 2
#define xtpImageChecked 3
#define xtpImagePressed 4
function Main()
local oWnd, oAct
local oRb
local oQA, oQBtn1, oQBtn2, oQBtn3
local oSysButton, oControl, oPopupBar
local oStatusBar, oToolTipContext, oIcons
local oTabFiles, oGroup1
local oTabEdit, oGroup2
local oTabBuild
local aButtons := {}
local oButton1, oButton2, oButton3, oButton4
local oExitBtn, oExitBtn2
local oBmp1, oBmp2, oBmp3, obmp4, obmp5, obmp6, obmp7, obmp8, obmp9
local oAct2
DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "FWH Support Codejock ActiveX"
oBmp1 := TBitmap():Define( , "\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\new2.bmp", oWnd )
oBmp2 := TBitmap():Define( , "\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\open2.bmp", oWnd )
oBmp3 := TBitmap():Define( , "\fwh\bitmaps\alphabmp\explorer.bmp", oWnd )
oBmp4 := TBitmap():Define( , "\fwh\bitmaps\32x32\open.bmp", oWnd )
oBmp5 := TBitmap():Define( , "\fwh\bitmaps\32x32\people.bmp", oWnd )
oBmp6 := TBitmap():Define( , "\fwh\bitmaps\32x32\keys.bmp", oWnd )
oBmp7 := TBitmap():Define( , "\fwh\bitmaps\32x32\quit.bmp", oWnd )
oBmp8 := TBitmap():Define( , "\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\copy.bmp", oWnd )
oBmp9 := TBitmap():Define( , "\fwh\bitmaps\16x16\info.bmp", oWnd )
* oAct := TActiveX():New( oWnd, "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.13.0.0", 0, 0, 0, 0 )
oAct := WIN_AxGetControl( WApi_CreateWindowEX( 0, "AtlAxWin", "Codejock.CommandBarsFrame.13.0.0", nOR( WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE ), 0, 0, 600, 500, win_N2P( oWnd:hWnd ), 0 ) )
oAct2 := CreateObject("Codejock.CommandbarsGlobalSettings.13.0.0")
:License:= "CommandBars Control Copyright (c) " + ;
"2003-2006 Codejock Software" +CRLF+ "PRODUCT-ID: " + ;
*oSettings := oAct2:GetProp( "GlobalSettings" )
MsgInfo( oAct2:License )
MsgInfo( oAct2:version)
oAct:bOnEvent = { | cEvent, aParams, pParams | RibbonBarEvent( cEvent, aParams, pParams, aButtons, oWnd ) }
oAct:Do( "AttachToWindow", oWnd:hWnd )
oAct:Do( "EnableOffice2007Frame", .T. )
oAct:Do( "VisualTheme", .T. )
// ToolTipContext - Richard
oToolTipContext := TOleAuto():New( ActXPdisp( oAct:hActiveX ) )
oToolTipContext := oToolTipContext:ToolTipContext()
oToolTipContext:Style = 5 && xtpToolTipOffice2007
oToolTipContext:ShowTitleAndDescription( .T., 0 )
oToolTipContext:ShowImage( .T., 0 )
oToolTipContext:SetMargin( 2, 2, 2, 2 )
oToolTipContext:MaxTipWidth = 180
// StatusBar-Richard
oStatusBar := TOleAuto():New( ActXPdisp( oAct:hActiveX ) )
oStatusBar:StatusBar:Visible = .T.
oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 0 )
oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 59137 )
oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 59138 )
oStatusBar:StatusBar:AddPane( 59139 )
oStatusBar:StatusBar:IdleText = "FWH support Codejock RibbonBar"
oIcons := oAct:Do( "icons" )
oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp1:hBitmap,1,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp2:hBitmap,2,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp3:hBitmap,3,xtpImageNormal,.t. ) // 4th param, Bool to Alpha Channel Support
oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp4:hBitmap,4,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp5:hBitmap,5,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp6:hBitmap,6,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp7:hBitmap,7,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp8:hBitmap,8,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
oIcons:AddBitmap( oBmp9:hBitmap,9,xtpImageNormal,.f. )
oIcons:LoadBitmap( "\fwh\bitmaps\32x32\edit.bmp",4, xtpImageNormal)
// RibbonBar - Richard
oRb = oAct:Do( "AddRibbonBar", "Ribbon Bar" )
// QuickAccess - Richard
oQA:= oRb:QuickAccessControls()
oQBtn1 := oQA:Add( 1, 1, "&New" )
oQBtn2 := oQA:Add( 1, 2, "&Save" )
oQBtn3 := oQA:Add( 1, 8, "©" )
oQA:Add( 1, 9, "&info" )
// Add SysButton - Richard
oSysButton := oRb:AddSystemButton()
oSysButton:IconId( 5 )
oSysButton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 4, "&New" )
oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 5, "&Open..." )
oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 6, "&Save" )
oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 6, "Save &As..." )
oControl := oSysButton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 4, 5, "&Print")
oControl:BeginGroup = .T.
oPopupBar := TOleAuto():New( ActXPdisp( oAct:hActiveX ) )
oPopupBar := oPopupBar:CreateCommandBar("CXTPRibbonSystemPopupBarPage")
oControl:CommandBar = oPopupBar
oControl := oPopupBar:Controls:Add( 8, 0, "Preview and print the document")
oControl:Width = 296
oControl:DefaultItem = .T.
oControl:Style = 1 && xtpButtonCaption
oPopupBar:DefaultButtonStyle = 5 && xtpButtonCaptionAndDescription
oPopupBar:SetIconSize( 32, 32 )
oPopupBar:ShowGripper = .F.
oPopupBar:Controls:Add( 1, 4, "Print Pre&view" )
oPrnSetup = oPopupBar:Controls:Add( 1, 5, "Pr&int Setup..." )
oPopupBar:Controls:Add( 1, 6, "Print Pre&view" )
oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 1230, "Prepare" )
oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 1235, "Send" )
oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 1230, "Publish" )
oExitBtn2 = oSysbutton:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 7, "Close" )
oSysbutton:CommandBar:SetIconSize( 32, 32 )
// RibbonBar Table - Richard
oTabFiles = oRb:InsertTab( 0, "&Files" )
oTabFiles_Grp1 = oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup("&Clipboard", 0)
oTabFiles_Grp1:ShowOptionButton = .T.
// TabFiles Group ToolTip - Richard
oTabFiles_Grp1:ControlGroupOption:Id = 1000
oTabFiles_Grp1:ControlGroupOption:ToolTipText = "Clipboard"
oTabFiles_Grp1:ControlGroupOption:DescriptionText = "Show clipboard dialog"
oPaste := oTabFiles_Grp1:Add( 4, 1, "&Paste")
oPaste:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 1, "&Paste" )
oPaste:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 2, "&Paste Special" )
oButton1 = oTabFiles_Grp1:Add( xtpControlButton, 2, "&Cut" )
oButton2 = oTabFiles_Grp1:Add( xtpControlButton, 3, "&Copy" )
oBtn1 := oTabFiles_Grp1:Add( 1, 9, "Format")
oBtn1:Enabled = .F.
oBtn2 := oTabFiles_Grp1:Add( 1, 8, "Delete")
oExitBtn := oTabFiles_Grp1:Add( xtpControlButton, 7, "Exit")
oTabFiles_Grp2 := oTabFiles:Groups:AddGroup( "&Font", 1)
oButton3 = oTabFiles_Grp2:Add( xtpControlButton, 4, NIL )
oButton4 = oTabfiles_Grp2:Add( xtpControlButton, 3, "" )
oButton4:SetIconSize( 64,64 )
oButton4:Width = 70
oButton4:Height = 70
oTabEdit = oRb:InsertTab( 1, "&Edit" )
oTabBuild = oRb:InsertTab( 2, "&Build" )
oTabBuild:Color = 5
oTable_Grp := oTabBuild:Groups:AddGroup( "&Show/Hide", 5025)
oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2807, "Ruler" )
oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2808, "GridLines" )
oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2809, "Properties" )
oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2810, "Document Map" )
oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2811, "Thumbnails" )
oTable_Grp:Add( 9, 2812, "Document Action Bar" )
oControlOptions := oRb:Controls:Add( 2, 0, "Options")
oControlOptions:Flags = 1 && xtpFlagRightAlign
oControl := oControlOptions:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 2, 0, "Styles")
oControl:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3000, "Blue" )
oControl:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3001, "Black" )
oControl:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3003, "Silver" )
oControl:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3002, "Aqua" )
oControlPopup := oControlOptions:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 2, 0, "Font", -1, .F.)
oControlPopup:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 11, 32883, "System Default", -1, .F.)
oControl := oControlPopup:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 11, 32884, "Normal", -1, .F.)
oControl:BeginGroup = .T.
oControlPopup:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 11, 32885, "Large", -1, .F.)
oControlPopup:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 11, 32886, "Extra Large", -1, .F.)
oControl := oControlPopup:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 32887, "Auto Resize Icons", -1, .F.)
oControl:BeginGroup = .T.
oControlOptions:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3004, "Right To Left" )
oControlOptions:CommandBar:Controls:Add( 1, 3005, "Animation" )
oControlAbout := oRb:Controls:Add( 1, 4000, "&About")
oControlAbout:Flags = 1 && xtpFlagRightAlign
AAdd( aButtons, oButton1 )
AAdd( aButtons, oButton2 )
AADD( aButtons, oQBtn1 )
AADD( aButtons, oQBtn2 )
AADD( aButtons, oQBtn3 )
AADD( aButtons, oExitBtn )
AADD( aButtons, oExitBtn2 )
AADD( aButtons, oControlAbout )
AADD( aButtons, oPrnSetup )
oButton1:Caption = "FiveWin power!"
oButton1:TooltipText = "Ribbonbar for FWH"
return nil
function RibbonBarEvent( cEvent, aParams, pParams, aButtons, oWnd )
do case
case cEvent == "Execute" .and. Len( aButtons ) > 0
do case
case aButtons[ 1 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
MsgInfo( "Button 1" )
case aButtons[ 2 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
MsgInfo( "Button 2" )
case aButtons[ 3 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
MsgInfo( "From Quick Access Button 1" )
case aButtons[ 4 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
MsgInfo( "From Quick Access Button 2" + CRLF + "FIVEWIN SHARING POWER" )
case aButtons[ 5 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
MsgInfo( "From Quick Access Button 3" )
case aButtons[ 6 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
case aButtons[ 7 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
case aButtons[ 8 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
MsgInfo( "FWH's ActiveX Power support Codejock", "About Codejock" )
case aButtons[ 9 ]:hObj == aParams[ 1 ]
return nil
Many thank´s.