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Re: Tab Order

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:20 am
by sajith
Dear Anser,James,Antonio

Many Many thanks for ur Help.

Anser ::
There are different ways to achieve this and one method is that you can use an
array to hold the GET controls and then you could have passed the array as
parameter to function

This style looks better ,many thanks for shearing ur Idea. :D

If you are using a DBF to store this data, then it is simple to use a database object.
To clear all the fields you simply do:

Iam using Mysql not DBF.and ur site help me thanks a lot.
ur PaySoft software is excellent hope u developed using Fivewin . :D

If you need to give the focus to a specific control then you can do it this way

i want to set Tab order for my Form not to give the focus to a specific control.
