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Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:56 am
by dutch
Dear Antonio,
xHb1.2.3/ FWH1312/BCC5.8.2
Antonio Linares wrote:Where is the most recent code version to use ? thanks
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:20 am
by Antonio Linares
I think it is better that once that we have properly running EasyDialog we may consider to include it in FWH.
So firt of all, we should get it working so we can all test it

Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:25 am
by dutch
Thanks in advance,
Antonio Linares wrote:Dutch,
I think it is better that once that we have properly running EasyDialog we may consider to include it in FWH.
So firt of all, we should get it working so we can all test it

Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:49 am
by avista
My idea was not that, ... not EasyDialog
My idea was to have alternate, another folder with .ch files, example .\FWH\INCLUDE1
with changed .CH files like in few posts above, and using rowfactor and colfactor
sSysWidth := 0 // System Width
sSysHeight := 0 // System Height
sSouWidth := 800 // Source Width
sSouHeight := 600 // Source Height
sRowFactor := 0 // Factor for new Width
sColFactor := 0 // Factor for new Height
sRowFactor := sSysWidth / sSouWidth
sColFactor := sSysHeight / sSouHeight
So if dialog/window is based on 800/600 resolution and curent resolution is 1024/768
rowfactor is 1.28 colfactor is 1.28
we will have the same size on the screen in both cases while creating dialog/window ... or other objects
buttons, gets ...
No changes needed in program ... just in make file change include path to \FWH\INCLUDE1
#xcommand DEFINE DIALOG <oDlg> ;
[ <resource: NAME, RESNAME, RESOURCE> <cResName> ] ;
[ TITLE <cTitle> ] ;
[ FROM <nTop>, <nLeft> TO <nBottom>, <nRight> ] ;
[ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
[ <lib: LIBRARY, DLL> <hResources> ] ;
[ <vbx: VBX> ] ;
[ STYLE <nStyle> ] ;
[ <color: COLOR, COLORS> <nClrText> [,<nClrBack> ] ] ;
[ BRUSH <oBrush> ] ;
[ <of: WINDOW, DIALOG, OF> <oWnd> ] ;
[ <pixel: PIXEL> ] ;
[ ICON <oIco> ] ;
[ FONT <oFont> ] ;
[ <help: HELP, HELPID> <nHelpId> ] ;
[ <transparent: TRANSPARENT> ] ;
[ GRADIENT <aGradColors> ] ;
=> ;
<oDlg> = TDialog():New( <nTop*sRowFactor>, <nLeft*sColFactor>, <nBottom*sRowFactor>, <nRight*sColFactor>,;
<cTitle>, <cResName>, <hResources>, <.vbx.>, <nStyle>,;
<nClrText>, <nClrBack>, <oBrush>, <oWnd>, <.pixel.>,;
<oIco>, <oFont>, <nHelpId>, <nWidth*sColFactor>, <nHeight*sRowFactor>, <.transparent.>,;
<aGradColors> )
Best regards,
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:01 am
by Antonio Linares
But that will only work for dialogs created from source code, not for dialogs from resources
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:58 pm
by avista
But dont make problems if program use resources.
And not bad to have it like option for programs which not use resources.
I have tested manutimes and work nice ...
Do you have any idea how to analize resource files for this purpose possibly to change coordinates in .RC files or maybe to make a copy of the file and than make changes or ... somethimg else ?
Best regards,
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:48 pm
by Otto
Hello Avista,
how to start with "resize objects".
Thanks in advance
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:27 am
by Antonio Linares
Yes, we can easily analize resources

Basically we create the dialog and then get all its values before it is shown, so we can modify them as we may want.
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:38 pm
by TimStone
With Microsoft's Surface Pro 3, because of it's new resolution, it does automatic scaling. It's not perfected yet, but essentially, it will enlarge a window/dialog to make better use of the available screen space.
An application written with resources for 1020 x 768 actually scales nicely and fills much of the screen.
If I use resources designed for 1920 x 1080, however, it goes too far on the horizontal putting fields off the screen. I'm sure this will be adjusted in coming updates.
We may see more of this happening in the Windows OS in the future across various monitors.
Or not ...
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 1:41 pm
by karinha
Good Morning. Forecast of news on this topic? Will FiveTech have its own EASY DIALOG or not?
Buen día. ¿Pronóstico de noticias sobre este tema? ¿FiveTech tendrá su propio DIÁLOGO FÁCIL o no?
Regards, saludos.
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:11 pm
by Horizon
karinha wrote:Good Morning. Forecast of news on this topic? Will FiveTech have its own EASY DIALOG or not?
Buen día. ¿Pronóstico de noticias sobre este tema? ¿FiveTech tendrá su propio DIÁLOGO FÁCIL o no?
Regards, saludos.
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 3:11 pm
by dutch
karinha wrote:Good Morning. Forecast of news on this topic? Will FiveTech have its own EASY DIALOG or not?
Buen día. ¿Pronóstico de noticias sobre este tema? ¿FiveTech tendrá su propio DIÁLOGO FÁCIL o no?
Regards, saludos.
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:21 am
by Antonio Linares
Mr. Rao will answer this as he has developed it already, as far as I know
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 2:49 pm
by karinha
Antonio Linares wrote:Mr. Rao will answer this as he has developed it already, as far as I know
This is great news. May God enlighten Mister Rao. Strength Mister Rao.
Esta es una gran noticia. Que Dios ilumine al señor Rao. Fuerza señor Rao.
Regards, saludos.
Re: RESIZE Objects when resize Window or Dialog (ANTONIO ?)
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 2:06 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Most likely we will implement before the end of this year.