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Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:19 am
by Otto
Dear Antonio,
at the moment I have following situation:

a scan is posted through QRCode APP.
Depending on the content Symfony sends following answers:

If a user is not known to the system you get the thankYou.
If there is a rule existing the link of the rule is called.
If a QRCode starts with a certain code the Symfony intern webpage is responding.
All the qrcodes are stored in the MySQL database.

I have set up a WINDOWS server with a fixed IP in my office.
Maybe we could setup a Habour RESTFUL server there and test if we get it working.
Only I never did it and do not know where to start.

Best regards,


Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:41 am
by Otto
Kibu/FW qrcode - to see what is inside.

Best regards,

Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:05 am
by cnavarro
Otto, link not run for me

Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 12:07 pm
by Otto
Dear Cristobal,

I uploaded the file to YouTube.
Best regards,

Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 8:33 am
by Otto
here is another program where I would like to use Fivewin/Harbour and Fiveweb.
For me using Symfony is a step learning curve.

In Austria every bill must have a QR code.

Scanning this QR code takes automatically note of all your expenses and spendings.
I would like to program this “drivers log” in FIVEWEB. At the moment I am trying with Symfony.

Best regards,





Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:37 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Otto,

I have created this simple FiveWeb test for you:


Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""

function Main( cParams )

   ? cParams

return nil

And I have placed it at (click it)

Please notice that the qrcode is supplied after the ?
You can supply any qrcode to it and it will simply show it in the web browser screen

As far as I remember you have a BlueHost account, so you can easily test it and modify it from your own BlueHost site too :-)
No need to mess with IIS settings, etc...

Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:06 am
by Otto
Dear Antonio,
thank you. This easy it should be.
Now I have to talk with Manuel. I think the APP must be changed. We should get handyID + content of the qr code.
Maybe this should be secured in a way.
Can you explain please how I get this sample running on Bluehost.
I wish you a nice weekend.
Best regards,

Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:51 am
by Antonio Linares

> Can you explain please how I get this sample running on Bluehost

1. If you have an Apple computer, simply go to a terminal window and write:


where otto is your login name in Bluehost and ottoweb is the name of your site

you will be prompted to accept a key, choose yes. Then write your password.

2. If you don't have an Apple computer, simply download and execute "Putty" from Windows and do the same steps

Please try these steps and lets me know how far you go :-)

Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:36 pm
by Carlos Mora
Hi Otto,
Otto wrote:here is another program where I would like to use Fivewin/Harbour and Fiveweb.
For me using Symfony is a step learning curve.

Symfony is a great framework, one of the best without a doubt... but it's learning curve is a little bit heavy.

I browsed to but I wasn't able to download the QR Kibu App, neither find it in the Google Play store.
¿Can you share a link to download it?


Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:45 am
by Otto
Hello Carlos,
the Project is not released yet.
I send you an email.
Best regards,

Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 5:41 pm
by Otto
I am now in the process of converting the QRCode project from SQL to DBF. Here I build an order page for the QR code signs.

Best regards,

Re: webserver using RESTFUL API and responsive

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:11 pm
by Otto
Yesterday I bought a painting. It not only decorates our office but also serves as a background for our webpage for the new mod harbor project.
The whole web page is made with DBF files and mod harbor.
Best regards,

