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Re: xbrowse very slow vs Xbrowser

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 6:27 am
by Carles

I think it's another behavior. The first browse scrolls a whole page of columns and also shows only 3 columns so the process is faster. The second example scrolls column by column and there are 7 columns.

In the first case it performs the painting process 42 times and in the second 98, more than 57%. If you add the pagination type to this it will increase even more.

It should be compared under equal conditions perhaps...


Re: xbrowse very slow vs Xbrowser

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 8:15 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Carles wrote:Hi,

I think it's another behavior. The first browse scrolls a whole page of columns and also shows only 3 columns so the process is faster. The second example scrolls column by column and there are 7 columns.

In the first case it performs the painting process 42 times and in the second 98, more than 57%. If you add the pagination type to this it will increase even more.

It should be compared under equal conditions perhaps...

My archive is made of 90/ 120 columns ( dbf or array) why I have problems ?

Answer: xbrowse uses too many codeblocks which unfortunately slow down the display with Hscroll, maybe it doesn't happen with Vscroll because it has been enhanced

I tried with an old version of xbrowse and maybe it is faster but it is a very dated version so I do not have all the features of the current xbrowse

Carles do you know what I think and I am fully convinced?

It is already a reflection that I have expressed to Antonio Linares ... that my problems (i.e. the display with many columns) that I have do not interest anyone, perhaps in the future someone else will have the same problems as me and perhaps a solution will be found, I just have to hope that this future is near

Re: xbrowse very slow vs Xbrowser

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 10:00 am
by Otto

I think vertical scrolling (VScroll) seems to support paging or dynamic loading, whereas horizontal scrolling (HScroll) appears to keep data in memory continuously.
Look into the xbrowse source code, and you'll see.

But you can easily build that yourself.
Simply load the data at intervals, only those that you have in the view.

Best regards,

Re: xbrowse very slow vs Xbrowser

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 1:35 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
Otto wrote:Silvio,

I think vertical scrolling (VScroll) seems to support paging or dynamic loading, whereas horizontal scrolling (HScroll) appears to keep data in memory continuously.
Look into the xbrowse source code, and you'll see.

But you can easily build that yourself.
Simply load the data at intervals, only those that you have in the view.

Best regards,
maybe you're right but I don't know how to do it