Re: New FTDN September/Septiembre 2015 (FWH 15.09)
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:30 am
FWH1509 Build 3 please.
Marco Turco wrote:Hi Antonio,
just to inform you there is also a further problem to fix on the menu:
the menu items on the right disappear moving the mouse on the left.
Consider I'm working on a cloud environment. See video:
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MENU oMenu ...... [ 2007/2010 / 2015 / 2013 ]
Marco Turco wrote:I'm using 15.09_2 with xharbour and BCC700
menu definition is with 2010 flag
MENU oPigcMenu 2010
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function WndReadPalBmpEx( Self, uBmp, aReSize ) // btnbmp.prg
// linea 2110 aproximadamente
elseif File( uBmp )
if cExt == "BMP"
if Empty( Self )
aBmp[ 1 ] := ReadBitmap( 0, uBmp )
if '|' + Upper( ::ClassName() ) + '|' $ "|TPRINTER|TMENUITEM|" // nuevo
u := PalBmpRead( ::hDC, uBmp ) // nuevo
aBmp[ 1 ] := u[ 1 ] // nuevo
aBmp[ 2 ] := u[ 2 ] // nuevo
else // nuevo
hDC := ::GetDC()
u := PalBmpRead( hDC, uBmp )
aBmp[ 1 ] := u[ 1 ]
aBmp[ 2 ] := u[ 2 ]
endif // nuevo
elseif cExt $ "ICO,EXE,DLL"
aBmp[ 5 ] := HasAlpha( aBmp[ 1 ] )
// linea 2167 aproximadamente
if '|' + Upper( ::ClassName() ) + '|' $ "|TPRINTER|TMENUITEM|" // nueva linea ya que tmenuiten y tprinter no tienen ::hWnd
PalBmpNew( NIL, aBmp[ 1 ], aBmp[ 2 ] ) // nueva linea
else // nueva linea
if ! Empty( Self ) .and. ! Empty( ::hWnd )
PalBmpNew( ::hWnd, aBmp[ 1 ], aBmp[ 2 ] )
Endif // nueva linea
return aBmp // format: { hBitmap, hPalette, nBmpWidth, nBmpHeight, lAlpha, cName, lResource }