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Re: copy a row of xbrowse
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:25 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Marcelo Via Giglio wrote:try using aclone, aCopy := aclone( oBrw:aRow )
No es el problema de copiar una fila, esto lo hace, el problema es que quiero copiar varias filas al mismo tiempo y si modifico una fila y guardo, las demás también modifican, es como si las filas copiadas tuvieran lo mismo. número de registros en la matriz
intenta compilar la última prueba, copia una línea y luego ve a editar la línea y verás qué sucede
Re: copy a row of xbrowse
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:52 am
by Silvio.Falconi
As suggestion by Marcelo
Code: Select all | Expand
MENUITEM "Copy" WHEN acopy=NIL .and. oBrw:IsSelectedRow(); // only when is seletected
ACTION ( aCopy := aclone(oBrw:aRow),;
oBrw:SetFocus() )
Seem run ok also if I modify the row But copy one row
Re: copy a row of xbrowse
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:13 am
by Silvio.Falconi
MENUITEM "Copy" WHEN acopy=NIL .and. oBrw:IsSelectedRow(); // only when is seletected
ACTION IIF(Len(oBrw:aseleted) >1,Aclone:=Giverows(oBrw),aCopy := aclone(oBrw:aRow)),;
oBrw:SetFocus() )
Function Giverows(oBrw)
local n,uBook,nAt
local aTmp:= {}
For n = 1 to len(oBrw:aselected)
uBook := Eval( oBrw:bBookMark )
nAt := Ascan( oBrw:aSelected, uBook )
aCopy:= aclone(oBrw:aArrayData[ nAt ])
return acopy
Re: copy a row of xbrowse
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 10:53 am
by Otto
> FOR EACH nRow IN oBrw:aSelectedRows
> wich xbrowse you have ? I have the last release of fwh
Here you have the solution. But, look also into xbrowse.prg in C:\FWH\Source\Classes\xbrowse.prg.
MENUITEM "Copy" WHEN acopy=NIL ACTION ( aCopy := oBrw:aRow,;
oBrw:SetFocus(), xbrowse(oBrw:aSelected) )
All you need is there. This is the biggest benefit of FiveWin that you have source code of the classes.
And xbrowse() is so great for debugging.
Best regards,
Re: copy a row of xbrowse
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:52 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Otto wrote:> FOR EACH nRow IN oBrw:aSelectedRows
> wich xbrowse you have ? I have the last release of fwh
Here you have the solution. But, look also into xbrowse.prg in C:\FWH\Source\Classes\xbrowse.prg.
MENUITEM "Copy" WHEN acopy=NIL ACTION ( aCopy := oBrw:aRow,;
oBrw:SetFocus(), xbrowse(oBrw:aSelected) )
All you need is there. This is the biggest benefit of FiveWin that you have source code of the classes.
And xbrowse() is so great for debugging.
Best regards,
For Only one Row this run ok (also on modify)
Code: Select all | Expand
MENUITEM "Copy" WHEN acopy=NIL .and. oBrw:IsSelectedRow(); // only when is seletected
ACTION ( aCopy := aclone(oBrw:aRow),;
oBrw:SetFocus() )
For many rows selected Not run ok
oBrw:aSelected give number or numbers not the row
oBrw:aRow is as ::aArrayData[ ::nArrayAt ]
you can make
For n= 1 to Len( oBrw:aselected)
nAt := oBrw:aArrayData[ oBrw:aselected[n] ]
aadd( acopy, aclone(nat))
just an idea
Re: copy a row of xbrowse
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:04 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
MENUITEM "Copy" WHEN acopy=NIL .and. oBrw:IsSelectedRow(); // only when is seletected
ACTION ( IIF(Len(oBrw:aselected) >1,aClone:=Giverows(oBrw),;
aCopy := aclone(oBrw:aRow)),;
oBrw:SetFocus() )
Function Giverows(oBrw)
local n,atmp:={},nAt
For n= 1 to Len( oBrw:aselected)
nAt := oBrw:aArrayData[ oBrw:aselected[n] ]
aadd( aTmp, aclone(nat))
return aTmp
But then the paste is wrong
Re: copy a row of xbrowse
Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:14 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
try can run ok now
Code: Select all | Expand
function PopMenu( oCol, codsep )
local oBrw := oCol:oBrw
local nCol
local oPop
MENU oPop POPUP 2010
MENUITEM "Codsep:"+codsep
if oBrw:IsSelectedRow()
MENUITEM "Deselect the current row" action (oBrw:SelectRow( 0 ) )
MENUITEM "Deselect all" action (oBrw:SelectRow( 0 ))
MENUITEM "Select the current row" action ( oBrw:SelectRow( 2 ) )
MENUITEM "Select All" action (oBrw:SelectRow( 4 ) )
MENUITEM "Copy" WHEN acopy=NIL .and. oBrw:IsSelectedRow(); // only when is seletected
ACTION ( aCopy:=Giverows(oBrw),;
oBrw:SetFocus() )
MENUITEM "Paste" WHEN acopy!=NIL ACTION Paste(oBrw,codsep)
return oPop
Function Paste(oBrw,codsep)
For n=1 to Len(acopy)
aCopy[n][1] := codsep
aCopy[n][8] := 0
aadd( oBrw:aArrayData, aCopy[n] )
oBrw:Unlock( .t. )
return nil
Function Giverows(oBrw)
local n,atmp:={},nAt
For n= 1 to Len( oBrw:aselected)
nAt := oBrw:aArrayData[ oBrw:aselected[n] ]
aadd( aTmp, aclone(nat))
return aTmp
Now run ok with one row and more rows
But if Nages found a good solution is wellcome