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Re: Border around GET

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:54 am
by ukoenig
I found a small bug : a button double defined
now it is much better.
Because of using a folder, we can include much more

Release 2.2


a first test working with BMP-brushes
as well there must be a new radio-selection
to switch between color and BMP-brush
Because of the needed space I have to rearrange
everything a little bit changing the folderheight.
Maybe I have to add a different CONTRAST-calculation
scanning the brush.image or adding a textcolor-selection.


The changes


FINISHED :!: :!: :!: :!:

Now with BMP-brush and Textcolor-support

the download-link is the same

Uwe :D

Re: Border around GET

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:58 am
by ukoenig
preparing a new download

there are many new things added

for the background I added a gradient and image-support
a new gradient and button-designer
a image background-selector

Release 3.1


A gradient-designer with many options and button-design-support
after the design of a gradient is finished, just click one of the 4
radios to create the button.
Inside the button-page You can adjust the textcolor
the gradient-array is created to use it for window, dialogs or others


the buttons can be created with the gradient-designer
the button-gradient is called with a function
Sample : button3 created ( after selection it jumps back to 0 )
As soon the buttondesign is finished Yo can save it to a INI
You can redesign the button and if needed restore the saved design
On restart the saved designes are loaded from the INI-file.
To save a design just click the created button.




A new sample.prg with buttontest


Uwe :D