Re: DBF to Excel Sheet, without Excel, using ADO ?
Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:46 pm
Looks like you did not see my working code patiently and jumping at conclusions too fast.about FW_ADOX_CreateExcelTable() :
i wonder that FW_ADOX_CreateExcelTable() crash at FIELD "MARRIED" which is not 1st or Last FIELD in DBF
While creating Excel Table, ADOX can not create more than 7 fields at a stretch and the field MARRIED is the 8th field.
That is the reason why I added the table after the 7th field and then continued to add other fields.
This is the important part of the code I posted, dealing with the limitation of 7 fields.
Code: Select all | Expand
if i == 7
oCat:Tables:Append( oTable )
oTable := oCat:Tables( cTable )
Code: Select all | Expand
function FW_ADOX_CreateExcelTable( oCn, cTable, aStruct )
local oCat := CreateObject( "ADOX.Catalog" )
local oTable, aFld, n, cType
local oCol, oCol2
local nType, nLen
oCat:ActiveConnection := oCn
cTable := Lower( cTable )
oTable := CreateObject( "ADOX.Table" )
oTable:Name := cTable
AEval( aStruct, <|aFld,i|
local nType := ;
If( aFld[ 2 ] == "C", adVarWChar, ;
If( aFld[ 2 ] $ "DT=@", adDate, ;
If( aFld[ 2 ] == "L", adBoolean, ;
If( aFld[ 2 ] $ "+N", adDouble, adLongVarWChar ) ) ) )
oTable:Columns:Append( aFld[ 1 ], nType )
if i == 7
oCat:Tables:Append( oTable )
oTable := oCat:Tables( cTable )
return nil
> )
return nil