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Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:33 am
by Antonio Linares
Thanks for your sugegstions, but for now we are focusing on the basic functionality.
Once it is complete, then we will enhance Fivedit.
Our goal now is to complete it and that it works properly

Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:48 am
by cnavarro
Code: Select all | Expand
Local cChar := GetCharHdr( nPtrNMHDR )
static int GetCharHdr( LPARAM lParam )
struct SCNotification * pMsg = ( struct SCNotification * )lParam;
return ( pMsg->ch );
hb_retni( GetCharHdr( hb_parnl( 1 ) ));
-- ------------------------------- EDITADO
Se me habia olvidado la otra funcion

Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:17 pm
by cnavarro
Antonio Linares wrote:Cristobal,
Te está funcionando bien la indentación ? Esperaré a que esté bien y la incluyo. Gracias

Antonio, en mi anterior post te preguntaba como funcionaba el cierre de indentacion, mira a ver si me puedes decir algo para seguir
Hacia la derecha ya funciona bastante bien
--------------------------------------------- EDITADO
De momento, esto funciona muy bien
Currently, this works very well
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD AutoIndent( cLine ) CLASS TEdtScint
Local nCurLine := ::GetCurrentLine()
Local nIndentation := ::SendEditor( SCI_GETLINEINDENTATION, nCurLine-1 , 0 )
Local x
Local nPos := 0
Local nInd := ::SendEditor( SCI_GETINDENT, 0, 0 )
Local aCad1 := {"for ", "while ", "if ", "with ", "case " }
Local aCad2 := {"next ", "enddo ", "endif ", "end ", "endcase ", ;
"endwhile ", "endwith ", "else ", "otherwise " }//loop switch "
Local nPosInd := ::SendEditor( SCI_GETLINEINDENTPOSITION, nCurLine, )
DEFAULT cLine := ""
For x = 1 to Len( aCad1 )
nPos := At( aCad1[ x ], Lower( cLine ) )
if !Empty( nPos )
x := Len( aCad1 ) + 1
Next x
if Empty( nPos )
For x = 1 to Len( aCad2 )
nPos := At( aCad2[ x ], Lower( cLine ) )
if !Empty( nPos )
x := Len( aCad2 ) + 1
Next x
if !Empty( nPos )
nIndentation := nIndentation - nInd
nPosInd := 0
nIndentation := nIndentation + nInd
if ::GetLineCount() > nCurLine
::GoLine( nCurLine + 1 )
::SendEditor( SCI_SETLINEINDENTATION, nCurLine, nPosInd + nIndentation )
::GotoPos( ::GetCurrentPos() + nIndentation )
return nil
Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:28 pm
by sambomb
Antonio Linares wrote:Samir,
Thanks for your sugegstions, but for now we are focusing on the basic functionality.
Once it is complete, then we will enhance Fivedit.
Our goal now is to complete it and that it works properly

The bookmark looks simple, I could do it myself but I don't have the last edition of fivewin.
Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:05 pm
by cnavarro
Antonio Linares wrote:Cristobal,
la implementación Alt-C y las otras combinaciones:
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD SysCommand( nType, nLoWord, nHiWord ) CLASS TScintilla
case nLoWord == Asc( "i" ) .or. nLoWord == Asc( "I" )
Habria que añadir las mayúsculas, no?
Antonio, por qué crear un nuevo Metodo y no utilizar el que ya existe? -> HandleEvent
Hay algun motivo?
Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:44 pm
by James Bott
I think it is quite useful to have methods listed twice, one for the Class header and another for the implementation.
Perhaps this could be an option? Then we could turn it off and on as needed or desired.
Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:41 pm
by Antonio Linares
yes, good idea

Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:50 am
by Antonio Linares
sambomb wrote:Antonio Linares wrote:Samir,
Thanks for your sugegstions, but for now we are focusing on the basic functionality.
Once it is complete, then we will enhance Fivedit.
Our goal now is to complete it and that it works properly

The bookmark looks simple, I could do it myself but I don't have the last edition of fivewin.
You have the Class TScintilla in your current FWH version, so you can modify it.
Help us implementing the bookmarks and whatever else you may want to add, and I will gift you a FWH 15.01

Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:51 am
by Antonio Linares
cnavarro wrote:Antonio Linares wrote:Cristobal,
la implementación Alt-C y las otras combinaciones:
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD SysCommand( nType, nLoWord, nHiWord ) CLASS TScintilla
case nLoWord == Asc( "i" ) .or. nLoWord == Asc( "I" )
Habria que añadir las mayúsculas, no?
Antonio, por qué crear un nuevo Metodo y no utilizar el que ya existe? -> HandleEvent
Hay algun motivo?
Las pulsaciones Alt+... son rutadas automaticamente al método SysCommand, pues Windows genera un mensaje WM_SYSCOMMAND.
Buena sugerencia lo de las mayúsculas, gracias

Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:55 am
by Antonio Linares
cnavarro wrote:Antonio Linares wrote:Cristobal,
Te está funcionando bien la indentación ? Esperaré a que esté bien y la incluyo. Gracias

Antonio, en mi anterior post te preguntaba como funcionaba el cierre de indentacion, mira a ver si me puedes decir algo para seguir
Hacia la derecha ya funciona bastante bien
--------------------------------------------- EDITADO
De momento, esto funciona muy bien
Currently, this works very well
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD AutoIndent( cLine ) CLASS TEdtScint
Local nCurLine := ::GetCurrentLine()
Local nIndentation := ::SendEditor( SCI_GETLINEINDENTATION, nCurLine-1 , 0 )
Local x
Local nPos := 0
Local nInd := ::SendEditor( SCI_GETINDENT, 0, 0 )
Local aCad1 := {"for ", "while ", "if ", "with ", "case " }
Local aCad2 := {"next ", "enddo ", "endif ", "end ", "endcase ", ;
"endwhile ", "endwith ", "else ", "otherwise " }//loop switch "
Local nPosInd := ::SendEditor( SCI_GETLINEINDENTPOSITION, nCurLine, )
DEFAULT cLine := ""
For x = 1 to Len( aCad1 )
nPos := At( aCad1[ x ], Lower( cLine ) )
if !Empty( nPos )
x := Len( aCad1 ) + 1
Next x
if Empty( nPos )
For x = 1 to Len( aCad2 )
nPos := At( aCad2[ x ], Lower( cLine ) )
if !Empty( nPos )
x := Len( aCad2 ) + 1
Next x
if !Empty( nPos )
nIndentation := nIndentation - nInd
nPosInd := 0
nIndentation := nIndentation + nInd
if ::GetLineCount() > nCurLine
::GoLine( nCurLine + 1 )
::SendEditor( SCI_SETLINEINDENTATION, nCurLine, nPosInd + nIndentation )
::GotoPos( ::GetCurrentPos() + nIndentation )
return nil
La clave me la distes con usar el método Notify

Ya lo tengo funcionando asi:
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD AutoIndent() CLASS TScintilla
local nPrevLine := ::GetCurrentLineNumber() - 1
local nIndentation := ::GetLineIndentation( nPrevLine )
local nPos := ::GetCurrentPos()
::Send( SCI_SETLINEINDENTATION, nPrevLine + 1, nIndentation )
::InsertText( nPos, Space( nIndentation ) )
::Send( SCI_GOTOPOS, nPos + nIndentation )
return nil
Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:10 am
by cnavarro
Antonio Linares wrote:Cristobal,
cnavarro wrote:Antonio Linares wrote:Cristobal,
Antonio, por qué crear un nuevo Metodo y no utilizar el que ya existe? -> HandleEvent
Hay algun motivo?
Las pulsaciones Alt+... son rutadas automaticamente al método SysCommand, pues Windows genera un mensaje WM_SYSCOMMAND.
Antonio, es que el tema de las teclas lo tenia implementado asi:
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD HandleEvent( nMsg, nWParam, nLParam ) CLASS TEdtScint
Do Case
Case nWParam == SC_KEYMENU
por eso te preguntaba donde era mejor implementarlo, en el SysCommand o en este metodo?
Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 8:22 am
by cnavarro
Antonio Linares wrote:Cristobal,
cnavarro wrote:Antonio Linares wrote:Cristobal,
Te está funcionando bien la indentación ? Esperaré a que esté bien y la incluyo. Gracias

Antonio, en mi anterior post te preguntaba como funcionaba el cierre de indentacion, mira a ver si me puedes decir algo para seguir
Hacia la derecha ya funciona bastante bien
--------------------------------------------- EDITADO
De momento, esto funciona muy bien
Currently, this works very well
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD AutoIndent( cLine ) CLASS TEdtScint
Local nCurLine := ::GetCurrentLine()
Local nIndentation := ::SendEditor( SCI_GETLINEINDENTATION, nCurLine-1 , 0 )
Local x
Local nPos := 0
Local nInd := ::SendEditor( SCI_GETINDENT, 0, 0 )
Local aCad1 := {"for ", "while ", "if ", "with ", "case " }
Local aCad2 := {"next ", "enddo ", "endif ", "end ", "endcase ", ;
"endwhile ", "endwith ", "else ", "otherwise " }//loop switch "
Local nPosInd := ::SendEditor( SCI_GETLINEINDENTPOSITION, nCurLine, )
DEFAULT cLine := ""
For x = 1 to Len( aCad1 )
nPos := At( aCad1[ x ], Lower( cLine ) )
if !Empty( nPos )
x := Len( aCad1 ) + 1
Next x
if Empty( nPos )
For x = 1 to Len( aCad2 )
nPos := At( aCad2[ x ], Lower( cLine ) )
if !Empty( nPos )
x := Len( aCad2 ) + 1
Next x
if !Empty( nPos )
nIndentation := nIndentation - nInd
nPosInd := 0
nIndentation := nIndentation + nInd
if ::GetLineCount() > nCurLine
::GoLine( nCurLine + 1 )
::SendEditor( SCI_SETLINEINDENTATION, nCurLine, nPosInd + nIndentation )
::GotoPos( ::GetCurrentPos() + nIndentation )
return nil
La clave me la distes con usar el método Notify

Ya lo tengo funcionando asi:
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD AutoIndent() CLASS TScintilla
local nPrevLine := ::GetCurrentLineNumber() - 1
local nIndentation := ::GetLineIndentation( nPrevLine )
local nPos := ::GetCurrentPos()
::Send( SCI_SETLINEINDENTATION, nPrevLine + 1, nIndentation )
::InsertText( nPos, Space( nIndentation ) )
::Send( SCI_GOTOPOS, nPos + nIndentation )
return nil
Antonio, a mi tambien me funciona sin necesidad de:
Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:49 am
by Antonio Linares
A mi sin el InsertText() el cursor se va varias líneas más abajo.
Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 9:52 am
by Antonio Linares
Smart indenting already implemented

On preferences dialogbox new "Duplicates on functions panel" checkbox to remove duplicates
Re: Introducing FiveTech's fivedit
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:29 pm
by cnavarro
Antonio Linares wrote:Cristobal,
A mi sin el InsertText() el cursor se va varias líneas más abajo.
-------------------------- EDITADO --------------------------------------------
Antonio, prueba con lo siguiente en el Setup, y quita la linea de insercion de espacios
Code: Select all | Expand
::SendEditor( SCI_SETUSETABS, 0 )
::SendEditor( SCI_SETTABWIDTH, 3, 0 )
//Set autoindentation con 3 spaces
::SendEditor( SCI_SETINDENT, ::SendEditor( SCI_GETTABWIDTH, 0, 0 ), 0 )
::SendEditor( SCI_SETTABINDENTS, 0, 0 )