Re: Pritpal, HBIDE developer, assists us to use it with FWH
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:48 pm
reinaldocrespo wrote:Hello everyone. hbIDE is a good thing!
1. It'd be nice if shortcuts were displayed next to the menu option or have some manner of finding what the shortcut for a given menu option is. For example: find, goto line, etc... might have a shortcut but how would I know? BTW- if there is no shortcut, then I think it should be added to each of these menu options.
The shortcuts which are already defined can be located
from <Setup><Keyboard Mappings><Keyboard Shortcuts> list.
The reason why I did not displayed them next to menu option is
that you can change anyone at any time, temprarily and/or
persistently. Please examine <Keyboard Mappings> dialog.
2. I'd like to sort .prg File tabs. That would make it easier to find a given prg. I'm currently testing with more than 50 .prgs on a single project. I find I have a hard time reaching the desired prg. On this same note; perhaps it is possible to have multi-line tabs when necessary?
A very intelligent question.
A feature I always wanted in xMate.
Luckily it is available in hbIDE though in a distinct form.
Way #1: rearrange the tabs - you can drag the tabs to the order desired.
Way #2: click on "Editors" icon on the right-toolbar. It opens a tree-view at
the left pane with opened tabs, sorted. Double-click on any node there-in will
make the editor current.
Way #3: ( and this is unique to hbIDE ) create few panels from
"Panels" main-toolbar icon. It will ask for a label, give one which represent
most to the set of sources you may thinks as logically related. A blank panel
will appear. A "round" icon, differentiated by color, on the top of left toolbar
will appear. Open souces onto that. You can add n number of panels.
Each panel will display tabs for hosted sources. Switch to any panel by
clicking on the "round" icons.
I use this feature extensively.
For example, I work on many projects, i.e.,
GTWVG, HBQT, HBIDE, Vouch, Vouch32, Vouch32 ActiveX, and more
I just open one instance of hbIDE and have as many panels
hosting the sources for different projects. Even more panels for
my commercial product Vouch as it contains around 372 sources.
3. I noticed the random function name menu option. I beg everyone to excuse my ignorance and curiosity; would someone please explain the use of a random function name? I might be missing something here.
I also do not know the use of this option.
I will remove it in next commit. Vailton added it from the very begining.
4. Normally I'd have to create a .lib to be linked with my app in order to use functions stored on a .dll. I noticed that you may include a .dll to the project. Does that mean that I would no longer have to create the .lib from the .dll to be used from my app?
You are right partially.
If you are using mingw as compiler, then any standard C dll
needs not to be converted to lib with, for example, bcc's implib utility.
It is done on the fly. But it may need hbmk2 as the base make utility
which automatically passes the required flags to the linker.
In any other scenario, i.e., if you are using batch files, you will
need to pass required flags yourself.
I will probably get back with more further down the road. Thank you everyone.
You are welcome.