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RMChart DLL use with FWH and xHb now ready

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:31 pm
by Roger Seiler
If you want to use the RMChart DLL and its 160+ graphic functions from within your FWH app, you can download the following...

This includes a working FWH demo app that shows how to load your data into a graph at runtime. Also, the English translation of the OCX package for Rmchart is included.

To use this material requires that you download the original RMChart package (free) from

RMChart offers a broad range of sophisticated and elegant looking graphing tools. Highly recommended.

- Roger

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:18 pm
by Antonio Linares

Thanks! :-)

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:03 pm
by Roger Seiler
Calls to some of the Rmchart functions in Rmcdemo.prg will GPF. I've conversed with the designer, Rainer Morgen, on his forum at, and he says all functions work fine with VB and some other platforms. Apparently, the problem is with calls involving data type DOUBLE when using the xHb DLLCALL along with FWH (but not using the FWH DLL32). (Had to use xHb's DLLCALL in order to be able to pass the kind of C structures required by some Rmchart functions.)

In the download referenced in my prior posting, there is a file included named RMCDEMO.PRG, which I converted form Morgen's VB6 demo to FWH/xHb. The conversion is incomplete regarding the use of some included C structures. But the part of this demo that should work now - but doesn't - is function mnSingleBars(). There are two dll function calls in there that cause gpf's - RMC_AddDataAxis and RMC_CalcAverage. Unfortunately, I don't have the technical capability with C and with the innere workings of xHb dll calls to figure out what is wrong here.

Is there someone else who is interested in getting full use of the free Rmchart graphics package (over 160 functions), who has the C and FWH-xHb technical ability, who would be interested in helping to solve the GPFs from accessing some of the Rmchart dll functions, for everyone's benefit?

I'd be happy to work with anyone who could help.

- Roger

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:02 pm
by Roger Seiler
With lots of great help from Ron Pinkas, I've been able to solve most of the problems with using the Rmchart.dll, and so now a demo can be downloaded that shows demos of 15 charts and graphs and how to program your apps to use them with the runtime DLL. Over 160 graphic functions are included for use in FWH/xHb.

The only remaining open issues are getting the Rmchart.DLL's tooltip and mouseclick functions to work, which are beyond my expertise. But as for creating and displaying the graphs themselves, that all works now, and you can see it immediately with the RmcDemo.exe supplied with the download below.

Again, 15 different types of graphs are shown in the demo, with very creative use of transparency and 3D effects. Rmchart provides really slick and elegant graphics - all for free! Also there is an animated real-time graph entitled: "Software Developers' Life Expectancy" on the Miscellaneous charts menu. Don't miss that one! Here it is...

- Roger

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:58 am
by patrickmast
Hey Roger,

Great. Works better than the previous version. Thank you and Congrats!


Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:15 pm
by George
Excellent Roger!

Thank you very much for your contribution.



Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:57 pm
by Roger Seiler
Thanks to help from Antonio to fix the tooltips and other mouse problems, an update can now be downloaded. Just put it in same folder where you may have downloaded and unzipped the package earlier, unzip this and overwrite the prior files...

Or if you need the complete rmc4xhb package, as revised...

In either case, please take a look at the readme.txt

Of course, the free RMCHart basic package (required for this) is available for free download from

- Roger

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:44 pm
by patrickmast
Roger Seiler wrote:Thanks to help from Antonio to fix the tooltips and other mouse problems, an update can now be downloaded. Just put it in same folder where you may have downloaded and unzipped the package earlier, unzip this and overwrite the prior files...

Thank you Roger!


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:23 pm
by Roger Seiler
Rainer Morgen, the developer of RMChart, has made the RMC4xHb package available for download on his website, along with the original RMchart package, at .

The RMC4xHb package is for both FWH/xHb and just plain xHb. It enables utilizing the RMChart.dll with FWH/xHb apps. Also includes the ActiveX implementation files, with prg comments translated into English.

- Roger

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:52 pm
by Biel EA6DD
Thank you Roger, Great Job

Re: RMChart DLL use with FWH and xHb now ready

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 10:46 pm
by reinaldocrespo

Thank you for your work. Well done. Is there any sample code using resources on a dialog?

How about what style to use for the resource control?

