ADS - Question

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Jeff Barnes
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ADS - Question

Post by Jeff Barnes »

Hi Everybody,

I've seen alot of posts over the years about ADS (Advantage Database Server).

If I am correct, the ADS "Server" program allows you to have one computer (server) handle the database files / searches etc... This one is not free but the "local" server is ... so, what exactly does the "Local" server do?

Thanks in advance,
Jeff B
Posts: 108
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Re: ADS - Question

Post by DanielPuente »


If you have Advantage Database Server installed the dbfs are managed in the server (client/server architecture) as you said.

If you use Advantage Local Server client/server architecture is not supported and the dbfs are managed as usual, the utility of using Local Server is only for programing the aplication without a server or the posibility to use advantage rdd without a server. Then, if you have a server you have to do almost no changes to the application.


Jeff Barnes wrote:Hi Everybody,

I've seen alot of posts over the years about ADS (Advantage Database Server).

If I am correct, the ADS "Server" program allows you to have one computer (server) handle the database files / searches etc... This one is not free but the "local" server is ... so, what exactly does the "Local" server do?

Thanks in advance,
Jeff B
Daniel Puente
Mar del Plata, Argentina
Posts: 840
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Re: ADS - Question

Post by R.F. »


The ADS local server has all the features of the remote server except: Internet data access, Client/server technology and Transaccions.

The local server supports up to 5 concurrent users and it was though for development propouses only, so you can to have all the features of the remote server, but installed in a single PC when you app need to move into the real Client/Server world, you don't have make any mod into the source code, simply install the remote server, and you app will become into a powerful client/server app, even letting you to have internet access to you dbfs.

Jeff Barnes wrote:Hi Everybody,

I've seen alot of posts over the years about ADS (Advantage Database Server).

If I am correct, the ADS "Server" program allows you to have one computer (server) handle the database files / searches etc... This one is not free but the "local" server is ... so, what exactly does the "Local" server do?

Thanks in advance,
Jeff B
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