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// FiveWin for Pocket PC - Using SAYs, GETs and PushButtons
#include ""
function Main()
local oWnd, oFont, oFont1
local cName1 := "first ", nLen1 := 10, cType1 := "C"
local cName2 := "last ", nLen2 := 10, cType2 := "C"
local cName3 := "address ", nLen3 := 10, cType3 := "C"
local oSay
local oSay1
local cSay1 := "<-"
local cSay := "test"
local nCol := 10
local nRow := 0
local I := 1
local lPaint:=.t.
local ABC := {}
DEFINE BITMAP oBmp FILE CurDir() + "\test.bmp"
ABC := {"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"}
DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "Arial" SIZE 0, -8
DEFINE FONT oFont1 NAME "Arial" SIZE 0, -68
@ 6, 20 SAY oSay1 PROMPT cSay1 SIZE 80, 80 COLOR "W+/G" FONT oFont1
@ 3, 2 SAY " FieldName Type Len" SIZE 150, 20 COLOR "GR+/G"
@ 6, 2 GET cName1 SIZE 60, 20
@ 6, 11 GET cType1 SIZE 20, 20
@ 6, 15 GET nLen1 SIZE 30, 20 PICTURE "999"
@ 8, 2 GET cName2 SIZE 60, 20
@ 8, 11 GET cType2 SIZE 20, 20
@ 8, 15 GET nLen2 SIZE 30, 20 PICTURE "999"
@ 10, 2 GET cName3 SIZE 60, 20
@ 10, 11 GET cType3 SIZE 20, 20
@ 10, 15 GET nLen3 SIZE 30, 20 PICTURE "999"
@ 10, 2 BUTTON "&Create" SIZE 60, 30 ACTION ABC(oWnd,nCol,ABC,oFont)
@ 12, 2 BUTTON "&End" SIZE 60, 30 ACTION oWnd:End()
oWnd:bLClicked := { |y,x | oSay1:show() }
oWnd:bMMoved := { |y,x | IIF( ( INT(Y/10) < 27 .AND. INT(Y/10) > 0),(cSay1 := ABC[INT(Y/10)],oSay1:refresh()), )}
oWnd:bLButtonUp := { |y,x | oSay1:hide()}
// oWnd:brClicked := { |y,x | oSay1:hide() }
ACTIVATE WINDOW oWnd ON PAINT (oSay1:hide(),ABC(oWnd,nCol,ABC,oFont))
return nil
func ABC (oWnd,nCol,ABC,oFont)
local nRow := 0
local I := 1
nCol := 220
FOR I = 1 to 26
cSay := abc[I]
nRow := nRow + 10
oWnd:say( nRow, nCol , cSay, , ,oFont ,.T. )
return nil