New FTDN October / Octubre 2008 (8.10)
Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:10 am
October 2008
* Enhancement: Class TBitmap Method LoadFromClipboard( [ oWnd ] ) now accepts an optional parameter
oWnd, as a the window owner to the clipboard handle to be created. The methods returns a logical
value as the result of the operation. Thanks to Ruediger!
* New: FWPPC, samples\RadHorz.prg shows how to build an horizontal radiobutton menu from source code.
* New: An interesting new example samples\XbrwEdit.prg that shows how to add new records and edit them
from inside the same xbrowse control.
* Enhancement: We have modified samples\SockServ.prg to show on a client-server sockets conversation how
to send data from the server to the client:
DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar ACTION oClient:SendData( "Hello from server!" ) TOOLTIP "Talk to client"
* Enhancement: Class TGet is assigning the DATA lCancel to true to the button created when the new clause
... GET ... ACTION ... is created, so the GET valid is not fired when the button gets the focus.
* New: Please notice that the way to invoke the debugger in xHarbour has changed. Please review samples\AltD.prg.
To test the debugger do it this way:
with Harbour: buildh.bat AltD /b
with xHarbour: buildx.bat AltD /b
* Enhancement: We have improved samples\buildh.bat and buildx.bat for automatic detection of /b (debug mode)
so GTWIN.lib is linked and linker flag -aa is not used. Please review the changes inside them. You may use
a similar way in your make files to debug your applications.
* Fix: Class TControl Method Colors() was not properly setting the dotted rect for radiobuttons and checkboxes.
Now it is ok. Many thanks to Carlos Gallego for his feedback!
* New: An interesting new example for the use of the RAW INPUT Windows API. Please review samples\RawInput.prg.
You can find the RAW INPUT API documentation here:
* Fix: include\ had a wrong VALID command at its end. It has been removed.
* New: Class TSay DATA lAdjust, used to check if the control width should be adjusted to a new text when Method
SetText( cNewText ) is called. It is .F. by default. Warning: In 8.09 the control width was adjusted by default.
Now it is only adjusted if lAdjust is .T.. Thanks to Wormar for his feedback!
There is a new optional ADJUST clause for the commands:
@ ..., ... SAY ... [ ADJUST ]
* Enhancement: FWPPC, to avoid the linking warnings LNK1166 please use this flag when calling the linker:
We have modified and enhanced FWPPC\samples\buildce.bat to use it. Please review it, thanks.
* New: samples\buildg.bat to build your FWH Windows applications using MinGW GNU gcc compiler from
* New: Makefile for MinGW gcc provided in makes\ Simply run make.bat where the file Makefile is.
make.bat may contain this:
set oldpath=%path%
set path=c:\mingw\bin;%path%
set path=%oldpath%
* New: samples\ScanNonM.prg is an interesting example that shows how to search for an already opened Non Modal
dialog. Very useful to manage you non modal dialogs!
* Fix: Class TXBrowse Method LButtonDown(), removed a duplicated call to ::Change() method.
* New: Class TDatePick Method Open(). You can use it to automatically open it when it gets focus:
@ 2, 2 DTPICKER oDtp VAR dDate OF oWnd ON CHANGE If( oSay != nil, oSay:Refresh(),)
oDtp:bGotFocus = { || oDtp:Open(), nil }
Please review samples\TestDtp.prg
* Fix: function TrackMouseEvent() had a mistake in its code. Now it is fine.
* New: Class TPrinter Method MmSay( nRow, nCol ), same as CmSay() (centimeters), but managing milimeters.
* Enhancement: function PrnOffset( hDC ) --> aPoint has been modify to use GetDeviceCaps() to retrieve such
information. Thanks to Ken Wantz for pointing this change!
* Fix: Class TPanel was not assigning a default brush. Now it is ok.
* Enhacement: Class TOutLook2003, painting flickering had been reported when selecting the different buttons
on the outlook control. It has been located and solved.
* New: Ver interesting example in samples\TestFldG.prg shows how to place a bussiness graph into a folder page.
Thanks to Patrick Weisser!
* Fix: Class TXBrowse Method DelRepos() was not properly creating a codeblock from the filter expression. Now
it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TSmtp Method Failure(). Parameters oSocket, nWSAError, cReply are supplied now when ::bFailure
is evaluated from Failure().
* New: A very interesting new example in samples\Signatur.prg that shows how to capture a signature from your
* Enhancement: function Browse() automatically centers in screen the browse dialog box.
* Enhancement: FWPPC Class TControl Method Initiate() calls ::CoorsUpdate() to automatically retrieve the
coordinates: nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight of the REDEFINEd controls.
* Enhancement: Improved CHM help files support. Please review samples\TestChm.prg. Thanks to Günther Steiner!
New functions in helpchm.prg:
SetHelpPopup( cPopup , nRow , nCol , nbgColor , nfgColor )
To set the filename,Y-offset,X-offset,backgroundcolor, foregroundcolor of the embedded TXT-File in CHM-helpfile or from the external file
GetHelpPopup() --> returns an array
[1] := -> Popup-file "Whats This" from the CHM or if exist this file really, the popuptopics come from here
[2] := -> nRow is the Y-display coordinate from the shown popup relative to the control
[3] := nCol is the X-display coordinate from the shown popup relative to the control
[4] := nbgColor is the background color from the popup
[5] := nfgColor is the text color from the popup
If the file cPopup really exists in the following format, then the popup-topics are calling from this file and
not from the embedded txt-file in the CHM-file!
.Topic 1 //---> is the helpid from the control
popuptext for topic 1 //---> is the popup-text to shown
.Topic 5
popuptext for topic 5
NOTE for the news in TFolder and TPages!
The new extension in the FOLDER.CH for helpids for the dialogs in folders or pages in is:
REDEFINE oFolder or oPages
HELPTOPICS 1,...n --> allowed are context-numbers or strings also mixed
If for a dialog no helpid is required, please let this empty. In this case the helpindex is shown.
* Fix: PalBmpFree() was failing under some circunstances. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TBitmap Method LoadFromClipboard( [ oWnd ] ) now accepts an optional parameter
oWnd, as a the window owner to the clipboard handle to be created. The methods returns a logical
value as the result of the operation. Thanks to Ruediger!
* New: FWPPC, samples\RadHorz.prg shows how to build an horizontal radiobutton menu from source code.
* New: An interesting new example samples\XbrwEdit.prg that shows how to add new records and edit them
from inside the same xbrowse control.
* Enhancement: We have modified samples\SockServ.prg to show on a client-server sockets conversation how
to send data from the server to the client:
DEFINE BUTTON OF oBar ACTION oClient:SendData( "Hello from server!" ) TOOLTIP "Talk to client"
* Enhancement: Class TGet is assigning the DATA lCancel to true to the button created when the new clause
... GET ... ACTION ... is created, so the GET valid is not fired when the button gets the focus.
* New: Please notice that the way to invoke the debugger in xHarbour has changed. Please review samples\AltD.prg.
To test the debugger do it this way:
with Harbour: buildh.bat AltD /b
with xHarbour: buildx.bat AltD /b
* Enhancement: We have improved samples\buildh.bat and buildx.bat for automatic detection of /b (debug mode)
so GTWIN.lib is linked and linker flag -aa is not used. Please review the changes inside them. You may use
a similar way in your make files to debug your applications.
* Fix: Class TControl Method Colors() was not properly setting the dotted rect for radiobuttons and checkboxes.
Now it is ok. Many thanks to Carlos Gallego for his feedback!
* New: An interesting new example for the use of the RAW INPUT Windows API. Please review samples\RawInput.prg.
You can find the RAW INPUT API documentation here:
* Fix: include\ had a wrong VALID command at its end. It has been removed.
* New: Class TSay DATA lAdjust, used to check if the control width should be adjusted to a new text when Method
SetText( cNewText ) is called. It is .F. by default. Warning: In 8.09 the control width was adjusted by default.
Now it is only adjusted if lAdjust is .T.. Thanks to Wormar for his feedback!
There is a new optional ADJUST clause for the commands:
@ ..., ... SAY ... [ ADJUST ]
* Enhancement: FWPPC, to avoid the linking warnings LNK1166 please use this flag when calling the linker:
We have modified and enhanced FWPPC\samples\buildce.bat to use it. Please review it, thanks.
* New: samples\buildg.bat to build your FWH Windows applications using MinGW GNU gcc compiler from
* New: Makefile for MinGW gcc provided in makes\ Simply run make.bat where the file Makefile is.
make.bat may contain this:
set oldpath=%path%
set path=c:\mingw\bin;%path%
set path=%oldpath%
* New: samples\ScanNonM.prg is an interesting example that shows how to search for an already opened Non Modal
dialog. Very useful to manage you non modal dialogs!
* Fix: Class TXBrowse Method LButtonDown(), removed a duplicated call to ::Change() method.
* New: Class TDatePick Method Open(). You can use it to automatically open it when it gets focus:
@ 2, 2 DTPICKER oDtp VAR dDate OF oWnd ON CHANGE If( oSay != nil, oSay:Refresh(),)
oDtp:bGotFocus = { || oDtp:Open(), nil }
Please review samples\TestDtp.prg
* Fix: function TrackMouseEvent() had a mistake in its code. Now it is fine.
* New: Class TPrinter Method MmSay( nRow, nCol ), same as CmSay() (centimeters), but managing milimeters.
* Enhancement: function PrnOffset( hDC ) --> aPoint has been modify to use GetDeviceCaps() to retrieve such
information. Thanks to Ken Wantz for pointing this change!
* Fix: Class TPanel was not assigning a default brush. Now it is ok.
* Enhacement: Class TOutLook2003, painting flickering had been reported when selecting the different buttons
on the outlook control. It has been located and solved.
* New: Ver interesting example in samples\TestFldG.prg shows how to place a bussiness graph into a folder page.
Thanks to Patrick Weisser!
* Fix: Class TXBrowse Method DelRepos() was not properly creating a codeblock from the filter expression. Now
it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TSmtp Method Failure(). Parameters oSocket, nWSAError, cReply are supplied now when ::bFailure
is evaluated from Failure().
* New: A very interesting new example in samples\Signatur.prg that shows how to capture a signature from your
* Enhancement: function Browse() automatically centers in screen the browse dialog box.
* Enhancement: FWPPC Class TControl Method Initiate() calls ::CoorsUpdate() to automatically retrieve the
coordinates: nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight of the REDEFINEd controls.
* Enhancement: Improved CHM help files support. Please review samples\TestChm.prg. Thanks to Günther Steiner!
New functions in helpchm.prg:
SetHelpPopup( cPopup , nRow , nCol , nbgColor , nfgColor )
To set the filename,Y-offset,X-offset,backgroundcolor, foregroundcolor of the embedded TXT-File in CHM-helpfile or from the external file
GetHelpPopup() --> returns an array
[1] := -> Popup-file "Whats This" from the CHM or if exist this file really, the popuptopics come from here
[2] := -> nRow is the Y-display coordinate from the shown popup relative to the control
[3] := nCol is the X-display coordinate from the shown popup relative to the control
[4] := nbgColor is the background color from the popup
[5] := nfgColor is the text color from the popup
If the file cPopup really exists in the following format, then the popup-topics are calling from this file and
not from the embedded txt-file in the CHM-file!
.Topic 1 //---> is the helpid from the control
popuptext for topic 1 //---> is the popup-text to shown
.Topic 5
popuptext for topic 5
NOTE for the news in TFolder and TPages!
The new extension in the FOLDER.CH for helpids for the dialogs in folders or pages in is:
REDEFINE oFolder or oPages
HELPTOPICS 1,...n --> allowed are context-numbers or strings also mixed
If for a dialog no helpid is required, please let this empty. In this case the helpindex is shown.
* Fix: PalBmpFree() was failing under some circunstances. Now it is ok.