Working with xbrowse , i try to give the column with order (ocol:corder is 'A' or 'D') a color to make it more visible.
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#include ""#include ""#define CLR_1 nRGB( 190, 215, 190 )#define CLR_2 nRGB( 230, 230, 230 )function Main() local oDlg, oBrw , oCol DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 300, 200 @ 0, 0 XBROWSE oBrw OF oDlg ARRAY { { "one","two","three" } , {"aOne","ztwo","bthree"}} AUTOCOLS AUTOSORT FOR EACH oCol IN oBrw:aCols oCol:bClrStd := {||{CLR_BLACK, iif( oBrw:nArrayAt % 2 = 0, CLR_1, CLR_2 ) + IIF(oCol:cOrder="A",2000,IIF(oCol:cOrder="D",-1000,0))}} NEXT //oBrw:Swapcols(1,2,.T.) oBrw:CreateFromCode() oBrw:bKeyDown = { || oDlg:SetText( Str( oBrw:nColSel ) ) } ACTIVATE DIALOG oDlg CENTER ON INIT ( oDlg:oClient := oBrw, oDlg:Resize() )return nil
This works , BUT the code is wrong when tho columns are swapped or when a column is moved (clicking and dragging in the header)
What is wrong ? maybe something in the code from fivewin ?