Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Do someone know how to solve this error?
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_tone' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpID' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_setKbdState' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_setClipboard' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_getClipboard' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_itemPutCLPtr' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
And this
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_GT_WIN' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RTL.LIB|gtsys
And this
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errInternal' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|fm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_langDGetErrorDesc' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|arrayshb
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_BASE_SubstR' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|arrayshb
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_BASE' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|arrayshb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_ABS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_ASC' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_AT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_random_num' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsCommit' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutOperation' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpFind' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpnTranslate' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsCreateTemp' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsClose' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsDelete' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsWrite' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsSeek' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsRead' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdp_page' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsLockLarge' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsExtOpen' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutFlags' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsSeekLarge' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errNew' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutGenCode' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutDescription' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutSubCode' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutFileName' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsError' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutOsCode' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_spFile' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_set' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRelease' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpcmp' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpTranslate' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_strMatchWild' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsWriteLarge' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsReadLarge' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsLock' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFFPT.LIB|dbffpt1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutSeverity' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbcmd
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutSubSystem' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbcmd
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_DBCMD_Ext' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbcmd
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_New' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbcmd
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errLaunch' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbcmd
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errFuncName' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|workarea
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_DBCMD' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|workarea
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_BASE_Subst' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|macro
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsCreate' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|memvars
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsOpen' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|memvars
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_BASE_Ext1' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|memvars
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_strMatchRegExp' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|memvars
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errorHandler' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|macro
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errGetGenCode' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|macro
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_CDOW' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_CHR' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_CMONTH' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_COL' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_CTOD' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DATE' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DAY' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DEVPOS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DOW' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DTOC' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DTOS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_EMPTY' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_EXP' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_INKEY' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_INT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LEFT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LEN' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LOG' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LOWER' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LTRIM' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_MAX' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_MIN' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_MONTH' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_PCOL' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_PROW' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_REPLICATE' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_ROUND' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_ROW' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_RTRIM' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SECONDS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SETPOS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SETPOSBS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SPACE' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SQRT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_STR' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SUBSTR' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TIME' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TRANSFORM' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TRIM' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TYPE' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_UPPER' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_VAL' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_WORD' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_YEAR' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errInit' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_setInitialize' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_conInit' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_langSelectID' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_conNewLine' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|cmdarg
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_conOutErr' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|cmdarg
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_inkeySetCancelKeys' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_idleShutDown' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errExit' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_conRelease' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_setRelease' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpReleaseAll' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_ERRORSYS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|harbinit
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SETKEY' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|harbinit
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN___XHELP' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|harbinit
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_dateFormat' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|itemapi
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_QOUT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\HELLO.OBJCoiote
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:26 pm
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_tone' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpID' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_setKbdState' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_setClipboard' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_getClipboard' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_itemPutCLPtr' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
And this
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_GT_WIN' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RTL.LIB|gtsys
And this
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errInternal' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|fm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_langDGetErrorDesc' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|arrayshb
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_BASE_SubstR' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|arrayshb
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_BASE' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|arrayshb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_ABS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_ASC' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_AT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_random_num' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsCommit' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutOperation' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpFind' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpnTranslate' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsCreateTemp' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsClose' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsDelete' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsWrite' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsSeek' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsRead' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdp_page' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|hbdbsort
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsLockLarge' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsExtOpen' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutFlags' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsSeekLarge' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errNew' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutGenCode' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutDescription' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutSubCode' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutFileName' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsError' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutOsCode' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_spFile' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_set' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbf1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRelease' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpcmp' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpTranslate' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_strMatchWild' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsWriteLarge' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsReadLarge' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFNTX.LIB|dbfntx1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsLock' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\DBFFPT.LIB|dbffpt1
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutSeverity' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbcmd
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errPutSubSystem' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbcmd
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_DBCMD_Ext' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbcmd
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_New' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbcmd
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errLaunch' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|dbcmd
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errFuncName' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|workarea
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_DBCMD' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\RDD.LIB|workarea
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_BASE_Subst' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|macro
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsCreate' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|memvars
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_fsOpen' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|memvars
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errRT_BASE_Ext1' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|memvars
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_strMatchRegExp' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|memvars
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errorHandler' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|macro
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errGetGenCode' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|macro
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_CDOW' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_CHR' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_CMONTH' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_COL' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_CTOD' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DATE' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DAY' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DEVPOS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DOW' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DTOC' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DTOS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_EMPTY' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_EXP' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_INKEY' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_INT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LEFT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LEN' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LOG' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LOWER' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_LTRIM' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_MAX' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_MIN' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_MONTH' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_PCOL' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_PROW' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_REPLICATE' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_ROUND' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_ROW' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_RTRIM' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SECONDS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SETPOS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SETPOSBS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SPACE' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SQRT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_STR' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SUBSTR' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TIME' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TRANSFORM' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TRIM' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_TYPE' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_UPPER' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_VAL' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_WORD' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_YEAR' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|initsymb
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errInit' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_setInitialize' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_conInit' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_langSelectID' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_conNewLine' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|cmdarg
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_conOutErr' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|cmdarg
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_inkeySetCancelKeys' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_idleShutDown' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_errExit' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_conRelease' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_setRelease' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpReleaseAll' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|hvm
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_ERRORSYS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|harbinit
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SETKEY' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|harbinit
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN___XHELP' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|harbinit
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_dateFormat' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\VM.LIB|itemapi
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_QOUT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\HELLO.OBJCoiote
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:26 pm
- Antonio Linares
- Site Admin
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Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Please link the libraries used in FWH\samples\buildx.bat
Please link the libraries used in FWH\samples\buildx.bat
Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Buildx.bat works when using Fivewin directly. But I realy need to:
1. convert my system from Clipper to Harbour console
2. convert its database from Dbf to Mysql
(at this point my clients will use a console version)
3. rewrite it using fivewin
As a begining I'm trying to compile this exemple in Harbour console
Procedure Main()
? "Hello, world!"
But it needs some libs that are missing in the installer that you sugested at
Why don't the installer have these files?
Where can I get them?
To go ahead I remarked them in the link script (c:\harbour\tests\build.bat) but there are new errors:
Error: Unresolved external 'WinMain' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\BCC\LIB\C0W32.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_vmProcessSymbolsEx' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_FILEREAD2' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SCROLL' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SETPOS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DEVPOS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DEVOUT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_INKEY' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_vmExecute' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
I'm using the harbour 1.0 Alfa
My Harbour directory is
My Bcc directory is
My cfg files are
Thank you for the help.
1. convert my system from Clipper to Harbour console
2. convert its database from Dbf to Mysql
(at this point my clients will use a console version)
3. rewrite it using fivewin
As a begining I'm trying to compile this exemple in Harbour console
Procedure Main()
? "Hello, world!"
But it needs some libs that are missing in the installer that you sugested at
Why don't the installer have these files?
Where can I get them?
To go ahead I remarked them in the link script (c:\harbour\tests\build.bat) but there are new errors:
Error: Unresolved external 'WinMain' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\BCC\LIB\C0W32.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_vmProcessSymbolsEx' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_FILEREAD2' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SCROLL' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_SETPOS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DEVPOS' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_DEVOUT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_INKEY' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_vmExecute' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\TESTE.OBJ
I'm using the harbour 1.0 Alfa
My Harbour directory is
My Bcc directory is
My cfg files are
Thank you for the help.
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Why do you think that you need those files ? Were you using them with Clipper ?
If you use them with Clipper, please don't link them with Clipper and lets see what unresolved externals you get, so we can point you what functions to use to replace them.
Why don't the installer have these files?
Where can I get them?
Why do you think that you need those files ? Were you using them with Clipper ?
If you use them with Clipper, please don't link them with Clipper and lets see what unresolved externals you get, so we can point you what functions to use to replace them.
Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Well, I think I don't need these libs but Harbour does.
Because I remarked them in the link script (c:\harbour\tests\build.bat) and then these errors occured:
Error: Unresolved external 'WinMain' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\BCC\LIB\C0W32.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_vmProcessSymbolsEx' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\HELLO.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_QOUT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\HELLO.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_vmExecute' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\HELLO.OBJ
The program that generated the error was:
Procedure Main()
? "Hello, World"
Because I remarked them in the link script (c:\harbour\tests\build.bat) and then these errors occured:
Error: Unresolved external 'WinMain' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\BCC\LIB\C0W32.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_vmProcessSymbolsEx' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\HELLO.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_QOUT' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\HELLO.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_vmExecute' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\TESTS\HELLO.OBJ
The program that generated the error was:
Procedure Main()
? "Hello, World"
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Please link:
and try it again
Please link:
and try it again
Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
I linked again:
and this is the result:
Generating C source output to 'hello.c'... Done.
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_tone' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpID' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_setKbdState' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_setClipboard' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_getClipboard' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_itemPutCLPtr' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
and this is the result:
Generating C source output to 'hello.c'... Done.
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Turbo Incremental Link 5.00 Copyright (c) 1997, 2000 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_tone' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_cdpID' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_setKbdState' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_setClipboard' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_gt_winapi_getClipboard' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external '_hb_itemPutCLPtr' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
- Enrico Maria Giordano
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Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
I don't know which Harbour release are you using but in the current Harbour from SVN some libs have HB prefix (ie. hbrtl.lib, hbvm.lib).
- Antonio Linares
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Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Thats the one he is using
I'm using the harbour 1.0 Alfa
Thats the one he is using
- Enrico Maria Giordano
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Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Where did you read that? I can't find it in this thread...
- Enrico Maria Giordano
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- Antonio Linares
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Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Could you please make a ZIP with the Harbour that you are using and upload it to mediafire or similar and provide us here the download url ? thanks
Could you please make a ZIP with the Harbour that you are using and upload it to mediafire or similar and provide us here the download url ? thanks
Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Here is the link, Antonio
I have edited build.bat
There is another linker In the folder \Harbour\Bin\Brmake
I'd like to use it but i fails too
Thank you again
I have edited build.bat
There is another linker In the folder \Harbour\Bin\Brmake
I'd like to use it but i fails too
Thank you again
- Antonio Linares
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- Posts: 42655
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Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Con este build.bat y tu versión de Harbour, funciona bien
Con este build.bat y tu versión de Harbour, funciona bien

Code: Select all | Expand
if A%1 == A GOTO :SINTAX
ECHO Compiling...
set hdir=..
set bcdir=c:\bcc55
%hdir%\bin\harbour %1 /n /i..\include;%hdir%\include /p %2 %3 > clip.log
@type clip.log
echo -O2 -e%1.exe -I%hdir%\include %1.c > b32.bc
%bcdir%\bin\bcc32 -M -c @b32.bc
echo c0w32.obj + > b32.bc
echo %1.obj, + >> b32.bc
echo %1.exe, + >> b32.bc
echo, + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hbrtl.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hbvm.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hbgt.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\gtwin.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hblang.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hbmacro.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hbrdd.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\rddcdx.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\rddntx.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\rddfpt.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hbsix.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hbdebug.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hbcommon.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hbpp.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %hdir%\lib\hbcpage.lib + >> b32.bc
rem Uncomment these two lines to use Advantage RDD
rem echo %hdir%\lib\rddads.lib + >> b32.bc
rem echo %hdir%\lib\ace32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\cw32.lib + >> b32.bc
echo %bcdir%\lib\import32.lib, >> b32.bc
ECHO Linking...
%bcdir%\bin\ilink32 -Gn -Tpe -s @b32.bc
rem delete temporary files
rem @del %1.c
ECHO * Application successfully built
rem PAUSE * Linking errors *
ECHO SYNTAX: Build [Program] {-- No especifiques la extensi¢n PRG
ECHO {-- Don't specify .PRG extension
ECHO The specified PRG %1 does not exist
Re: Error in GTWin.lib, Rtl.lib, Rdd.lib, Dbfntx.lib and Vm.lib
Antonio, you solved the problem!
The new Build.bat works fine. Now I undestand. The problem was the libs that I used. Linking these alternative libs
I finaly created the exe.
PS. following the this way I changed \Harbour\bin\BrMake\BrMake.ini to use the same libs but not with that great result. This is the new configuration with few errors:
#I can't link hbvm.lib, hbrdd.lib and other because they produce many errors
To test this I do:
C:\Harbour\bin\BrMake>BrMake Hello
The error is:
Turbo incremental link 5.00
Error: Unresolved external _HB_FUN_BOF from VM.LIB|Initsymbol
and variuos other "Unresolved external" from VM.LIB
Error: Unresolved external _hb_gt_winapi_tone from GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external _hb_cdpID from GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
and variuos other "Unresolved external" from GTWIN.LIB
Error: Unresolved external _HB_FUN_NETERR from RTL.LIB|errorsys
Why do I want to use BrMake? Because it compiles only thats PRGs changed since last compilation (like Clipper's Rmake).
Is there something like Rmake and files with extension RMK and LNK in Harbour?
*** I'm very thankful for your help. ***
The new Build.bat works fine. Now I undestand. The problem was the libs that I used. Linking these alternative libs
I finaly created the exe.
PS. following the this way I changed \Harbour\bin\BrMake\BrMake.ini to use the same libs but not with that great result. This is the new configuration with few errors:
#I can't link hbvm.lib, hbrdd.lib and other because they produce many errors
To test this I do:
C:\Harbour\bin\BrMake>BrMake Hello
The error is:
Turbo incremental link 5.00
Error: Unresolved external _HB_FUN_BOF from VM.LIB|Initsymbol
and variuos other "Unresolved external" from VM.LIB
Error: Unresolved external _hb_gt_winapi_tone from GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
Error: Unresolved external _hb_cdpID from GTWIN.LIB|gtwin
and variuos other "Unresolved external" from GTWIN.LIB
Error: Unresolved external _HB_FUN_NETERR from RTL.LIB|errorsys
Why do I want to use BrMake? Because it compiles only thats PRGs changed since last compilation (like Clipper's Rmake).
Is there something like Rmake and files with extension RMK and LNK in Harbour?
*** I'm very thankful for your help. ***