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The numbers don't lie: Mobile devices overtaking PCs

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:31 pm
by George
You are right by supporting Harbour on Android and Windows Mobile OS

Please read below from

"Here it comes: Mobile will soon outsell PCs.
Tim Bray last week attempted to conceptualize the market change that is happening in computing in a post called the Great Game. In a nutshell, what we are seeing in smartphones is bigger than anything that has come before it. Much bigger than the PC. And it is coming so fast that we don't realize what's happening.

The Numbers Are Really Big ยท Insane, I mean. The billion-plus phones sold per year. The number of active subscriptions, which is greater than half of the human population. The number of new Android devices that check in with Google every day. The line-ups outside Apple stores for every new iOS device. The hundreds of thousands of apps. The ridiculous number of new ones that flow into Android Market every day. Everywhere I look, I see something astounding."

The link to complete article:



Re: The numbers don't lie: Mobile devices overtaking PCs

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:23 am
by Antonio Linares

Many thanks for the comments and the link.

Yes, we are absolutely convinced that it is the way the global market is going :-)