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Escape or control key in a tGet

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:13 pm
by Raymond Fischbach
Hello all,

In a dialog, I setup a tGet to enter a numeric value in a field.
This is done in a loop. This means that when the user has entered the field value, I create the record and stay in the same dialog for the next entry.

It would be very helpful to the user to be able to press the Escape key or even any non numeric key to leave the loop.
I looked at the help files and found the following methods:
bPostKey (codeblock)
KeyChar (codeblock I suppose)
Handlevent (???)
The problem is that the doc doesn't give any description on how to use them.

Therefore I ask if any body could tell me which method should be used.

Can you also give me a hint on how to implement it.

Many thanks,

Re: Escape or control key in a tGet - solved

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:38 pm
by Raymond Fischbach
Hi all,

I have find an answer to my problem so I close the subject.


Re: Escape or control key in a tGet

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 6:59 am
by Antonio Linares

Would you mind to share how you have implemented it ? thanks :-)

Re: Escape or control key in a tGet

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:15 pm
by Raymond Fischbach
Hello Antonio,

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't see your message.

In fact I used a workaround. I detect it at the window level:

Code: Select all | Expand

//*** clavier
oWnd:bKeyDown := {|nkey|iif(nKey == C_ESC,oWnd:End(),)}
