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MULTISELECT in LISTBOX - How long until implementation

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:02 am
by GWard
Hello Antonio,

As subject.

I would like to know how long until I am able to include multiple selection of items in my stock system LISTBOX browses.

Will my users be able to simply drag the stylus down the browse to select consecutive rows similar to "Pocket Word"

Many thanks.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:17 am
by Antonio Linares

You are browsing a DBF on the listbox, right ?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:53 am
by Richard Chidiak
Antonio Linares wrote:GWard,

You are browsing a DBF on the listbox, right ?


This feature (multisel) is in Hernan DC's twbrowse , it is very useful. If it could be adapted to fw's browse (fwh and pocket), that would be fantastic.


Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 10:06 am
by GWard
Antonio Linares wrote:GWard,

You are browsing a DBF on the listbox, right ?



The user selects a product order from one DBF. I then display all factory locations in which the product is stored within another DBF browse.

They select the location they are standing at and the individual product items within the location are displayed in a DBF browse.

They then select the actual numbered products to extract.

Rather than tapping on 6 consecutive items I want them to drag the stylus down the 6 and tap the "Include Selected" BUTTON.

BTW I meant like "Pocket Excel" not "Word"

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:55 am
by GWard

Sorry to press you on this but do you have a time frame for the inclusion of multi-select.

I have reached a point where I can demonstrate my application to the client and the ability to drag the stylus down and mark multiple LISTBOX items is very important.

Many thanks

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:10 pm
by Antonio Linares

Our friend Hernan has a browse for FiveWin which has what you need. We may try to port it to FWPPC. We may need several days.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:48 pm
by GWard
Antonio Linares wrote:GWard,

Our friend Hernan has a browse for FiveWin which has what you need. We may try to port it to FWPPC. We may need several days.


That is great news.

The feature will be VERY useful indeed.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:00 pm
by GWard
Antonio Linares wrote:GWard,

Our friend Hernan has a browse for FiveWin which has what you need. We may try to port it to FWPPC. We may need several days.


Sorry to press you on this but any news on MULTISELECT.

This feature could form an essential part of an application I am developing with FWPPC.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 1:55 pm
by Antonio Linares

We may provide an answer in a day or two.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:14 pm
by GWard
Antonio Linares wrote:GWard,

We may provide an answer in a day or two.


Many thanks!!

Customers *very* impressed.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:07 pm
by GWard
Antonio Linares wrote:GWard,

We may provide an answer in a day or two.


Sorry to keep on at this but my customer is pressing me for some idea of time scales.

I need the ability to multi-select in browses as soon as is possible as I am racing to complete development as the factory extension in which the software will be used is being built.

I realise we are not yet at official release but the 'pre-release' versions have opened up so many possibilities my customers wish to take advantage of.

Many thanks

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:05 pm
by Antonio Linares

We are delayed porting Hernan's browse to FWPPC.

Anyhow, you can simulate multiselection with the actual browse. Simply add a logical field to your DBF, i.e. "select". In the browse list of fields you show a "*" if select is true: If( select, "*", " " ).

When the user doble click on the browse row, then you change "select" field status and repaint the browse row.

Please try it. Let us know if you need help to get it working.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:58 pm
by GWard
Antonio Linares wrote:GWard,

We are delayed porting Hernan's browse to FWPPC.

Anyhow, you can simulate multiselection with the actual browse. Simply add a logical field to your DBF, i.e. "select". In the browse list of fields you show a "*" if select is true: If( select, "*", " " ).

When the user doble click on the browse row, then you change "select" field status and repaint the browse row.

Please try it. Let us know if you need help to get it working.


This may be bad news for me!!

I already implement a 'select' field within the database for marking single rows. What I require is for the user t be able to drag the stylus down a sequence of rows and have them all selected.

The development is built around stock areas that contain rolls of fabric. Each individual roll is allocated a location so there is a ROLL - LOCATION relationship.

The user selects customer orders to process and I upload the relevant data to the hand held. With the hand held in front of them the user selects an order to process say ORDER 1 - PRODUCT 1. My software then displays a browse that displays all stock location in which PRODUCT 1 is stored.


<A01 >< 06 Rolls><300mtrs>
<B02 >< 25 Rolls><2500mts>
<C05 >< 10 Rolls><500mts>

If The user taps on the 'Rolls' column another browse displays the individual rolls contained within that location e.g. User Taps '25' at LOCATION 'B02' he then sees


<Roll No 01> <50.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 02> <45.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 03> <60.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 04> <50.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 05> <50.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 06> <50.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 07> <50.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 08> <50.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 09> <50.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 10> <50.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 11> <50.00> <Selected (*/' ')>
<Roll No 25> <50.00> <Selected (*/' ')>

If the user taps individually on column 3 the roll is marked with an '*' however if the user wants to include rolls 04 - 11 I want them to select these rolls by dragging the stylus down these rows then tapping a "Use Selected" button.

There may be 15-20 rolls in a location that the user wishes to extract out of maybe 40. I want to avoid the need to tap 15-20 individual rows.

Hope this explains my requirements.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:50 pm
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Maybe you can give your user the chance to select a range of record with just two clicks, one on the first record and one on the last.


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:58 am
by Antonio Linares
Maybe you can give your user the chance to select a range
of record with just two clicks, one on the first record and one on the last.

Yes, or use two comboboxes, one for "start" and the other for "end", so the user just have to do two selections and use the browse just for review items, not for select them (respecting the browse standard mouse behavior).