Textcolor from Skinbuttons
Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 10:43 am
Is there a way to change the textcolor of Skinbuttons?
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Function FwChangeSkinColor()
Local oClr
With Object ( oClr := SetSkinBtnDefaultClrs() )
:aClrFocused := { { 1/2, nRGB( 255, 253, 219 ), nRGB( 255, 231, 144 ) },{ 1/2, nRGB( 255, 215, 76 ), nRGB( 255, 231, 153 ) } }
:aClrPressed := { { 1/2, nRGB( 249, 188, 107 ), nRGB( 253, 163, 97 ) },{ 1/2, nRGB( 251, 142, 61 ), nRGB( 254, 191, 102 ) } }
:aClrNormal := { { 1/2, nRGB( 231, 240, 244 ), nRGB( 159, 212, 240 ) },{ 1/2, nRGB( 126, 188, 224 ), nRGB( 188, 227, 244 ) } }
:aClrDisabled := { { 1/2, nRGB( 255,255,255 ),RGB(167,166,170) }, { 1/2, RGB(167,166,170), nRGB( 255,255,255 ) } }
:nClrBorder0_F := nRGB( 219, 206, 153 )
:nClrBorder1_F := nRGB( 255, 255, 251 )
:nClrBorder0_P := nRGB( 123, 102, 69 )
:nClrBorder1_P := nRGB( 204, 150, 102 )
:nClrBorder0_N := nRGB( 121, 157, 182 )
:nClrBorder1_N := nRGB( 255, 255, 255 )
:nClrTextDisable_0 := CLR_GRAY
:nClrTextDisable_1 := CLR_WHITE
Return SetSkinButtonsColors( oClr )
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#include "Fivewin.ch"
Function Main()
Local oDlg
Define Dialog oDlg Pixel From 0,0 To 500,500
@ 10,10 Button oBtn Prompt "Test" Size 20,100 Pixel
Activate Dialog oDlg Centered
Return Nil
Function FwChangeSkinColor()
Local oClr
With Object ( oClr := SetSkinBtnDefaultClrs() )
:aClrFocused := { { 1/2, CLR_RED, CLR_RED },{ 1/2, CLR_RED, CLR_RED } }
:aClrPressed := { { 1/2, CLR_GREEN, CLR_GREEN },{ 1/2, CLR_GREEN, CLR_GREEN } }
:aClrNormal := { { 1/2, CLR_YELLOW, CLR_YELLOW },{ 1/2, CLR_YELLOW, CLR_YELLOW } }
:aClrDisabled := { { 1/2, CLR_BLACK,CLR_BLACK }, { 1/2, CLR_BLACK, CLR_BLACK } }
:nClrBorder0_F := CLR_BLUE
:nClrBorder1_F := CLR_BLUE
:nClrBorder0_P := CLR_BLUE
:nClrBorder1_P := CLR_BLUE
:nClrBorder0_N := CLR_BLUE
:nClrBorder1_N := CLR_BLUE
:nClrTextDisable_0 := CLR_BLUE
:nClrTextDisable_1 := CLR_BLUE
Return SetSkinButtonsColors( oClr )