truth table Give some help in "&"
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:53 pm
need to make a truth table my code works this way:
I read on some forums and saw that the macro does not work with the command # and # translante
could someone give me an idea, I need a job for the university
Code: Select all | Expand
#Include ""
#command ~ => !
#command ^ => .AND.
#command V => .or.
#command <a> &'<->' <b> => if ( a=b , .t. , .f. )
#command <a> -> <b> => if ( b , if ( a , .t. , .t.) , if ( a , .f. , .t. ))
FUnction main()
vpropos:="q ^ b"
if &vpropos // Error
if q ^ b // no error
I read on some forums and saw that the macro does not work with the command # and # translante
could someone give me an idea, I need a job for the university