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Win8 & WinRT interesting articles
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:09 pm
by Antonio Linares
Re: Win8 & WinRT interesting articles
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:53 pm
by modicr
"The Next Twenty Years""Why the closed distribution model of Windows 8 must be changed for the sake of developers, consumers, and Microsoft itself."Comments on:"Op-ed: If Microsoft adopts Apple's app strategy, it's better to follow OS X than iOS" ... -than-ios/"Microsoft's decision to limit Metro apps to the Windows Store is the wrong one.""The enterprise sideloading story on Windows 8? It's complicated" ... 000006742/"But on Windows 8 and Windows RT the sideloading story is quite difficult to get your head around, and it has the feeling of having been slapped together at the last minute. Let's look at what you need to do.""Windows 8 Doesn’t Want Your App. Try Again Later " ... p-try.html"the point of the article is not that Microsoft failed my app, but that they don't clearly explain why they failed it""Windows Store revises guidelines to support 'Mature' games" ... InTT-R9K2V"Of course, Windows 8 users would still be able to purchase these and other PEGI 18 rated games through Steam or other vendors, but that original policy left an odd gap in the upcoming Windows Store catalog."